
Meh. I think Rheon is doing a good job with the material that they're giving him, but the show keeps writing him as a Joker-style moustache-twirler, which is not at all what he is in the books. Circa-1994 Temeura Morrison is about the only actor I can think of who really conveyed the kind of soul-dead rage bomb that

If you ever happen to remember the location of that article, I'd love to read it.

To this day, I like to imagine the look on their label rep's face the first time he listened to Angel Dust. "Great, we made a bazillion dollars on 'Epic' and they're cranking out a sequel just in time to… WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!!"

Except that Fox is never, ever, ever going to let the F4 rights revert to Marvel/Disney, even if it means contracting Roger Corman to make a sequel to his 1994 film.

That movie was the epitome of everything 19-year-old me wanted to find in the back of a video store.

I'm actually seriously glad to hear that I am not the only person who has tried this and run into the same wall.

Somewhere inside that quadruple-length monstrosity is a nice, tight, 45-minute worthy followup to Appetite. Opinions may vary about how to find it though.

you're totally trying to troll the billy corgan gimmick acct here, aren't you?

I don't dislike Iwan on his own merits: he's a decent enough actor doing the best he can with some seriously hokey scripts.

I dunno. Victarion's story so far reads like a lot of huffing and puffing just to get the pieces in place so that Dany has a ride back to Westeros by book six. If the Ironborn themselves play a major role in the endgame besides helpfully handing Dany a fleet of boats, I'll be pretty surprised.

And, simultaneously, the HBO Vice President in charge of Cock. We should all be so lucky, career-wise.

If there's one thing that the books have made very clear, it's that there are really only two questions that anyone should ever be asking themselves:

Ugh. In the show, he's a moustache-twirler. In the books, he's basically the Worst Case Scenario for Martin's ruminations on good and bad leaders and the monsters war lets loose: a walking rage bomb with just enough gutter smarts to be seriously dangerous, who's murdered his way into a position of political power.

Counterpoint: S5 has "The Body" and therefore is the best season by definition even if every other episode is just 30 minutes of static.

Sigh. I wish I could disagree, but sadly I can't. There's no doubting Wilmore's writing chops, but his delivery just never landed for me.

The Times, bless its pointy little head, has pretty much always been terrible for TV coverage. (Film, better, although they've kinda been up a creek since Elvis Mitchell left.)

Yeah, that was just genuinely weird, to the point where even though it's kind of a douchey question to ask a man, I'd love to know what the story was: did they just like the line delivery so much in that take that they decided to run it, spittle and all? Did they run out of money or time to do re-shoots? Did nobody

God, that fucking movie. Timothy Dalton and Anthony Hopkins in each of their first film roles. Peter O'Toole just before the booze ate his brain. Katherine Fucking Hepburn. And a script to make any writer, anywhere, weep with envy.

Billy Corgan gimmick account, why hast thou forsaken us in this, our hour of greatest need?!

I'm guessing: up there with GZA, probably a smidge behind his ex-labelmate.