
Sigh. I'll occasionally defend this film as an interesting misfire, but I don't think you can realistically go beyond that. Ang Lee is of course a talented filmmaker, and Bana's performance is highly underrated, but it all falls apart in the third act: Nolte is so clearly improv-ing his way through his scenes that

Yeah, by the end of ADwD, Baelish is in just about the best position of any of the major players. Lord of the Vale and Harrenhal, about to become Lord of the North by (incredibly creepy) marriage, and in the meantime holed up in an impregnable mountain fortress, surrounded by the one regional army and even more

Sssssshhhhhh. If you don't remind the producers that the Ironborn exist, maybe they'll just quietly forget about the whole thing and Gemma Whelan will go off and find another gig and we'll be spared the endless kingsmoot sequence.

I will bet any amount of money that:

He's not an agent, he's a Cylon!

You also recognized him as the incredibly sleaze street musician / abusive boyfriend on Treme.

Not so much 'convinced' as 'desperately hoping.'

I'm going to pray that this is some sort of Canadian Screen Actors Guild issue and that they just can't take him out of the credits until the season is over or something.

With child actors, you take what you can get. If she shows up on time, remembers her lines, hits her marks, and doesn't have crazy parents who badger the staff, you call it a victory and move on.

Nevermind the skin infections from cutting and the bullet holes– the real question is, how is Helena not dead of rickets or scurvy?

For the scene where Leekie was introduced, I'm pretty sure Frewer was channeling about 30% Max Headroom intentionally. I kept waiting for him to stutter.

Also lacked a love interest for Sarah who didn't make us all fall asleep every moment he was onscreen. Two problems neatly solved.

Okay, whoever Michiel Huisman's agent is, he or she should seriously be congratulated. That there is some well-orchestrated omnipresence.

Presumably from police files? Art and Sarah were digging into the Prolethians early in the last episode, before Sarah went chasing after Kira.

hahahahahahaha. Sadly this was volunteer work. I should really send him a bill for 1% of his iOS store revenue. I think that'll be about £0.12?

Jeff Minter called. He would like his art assets back.

Sadly, from all accounts it hasn't even gotten to the stage where the inevitable Warner-vs-Disney clusterfuck would kill the project. Various people (including Zemeckis and Spielberg) have been trying for years now to get a sequel made: half a dozen scripts have been comissioned, live and animated test footage has

Decades later, I am still livid that Hoskins didn't receive so much as a nomination from the Academy for Best Actor in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. (The award went, of course, to Dustin Hoffman phoning in Rain Man.)

I'm down. Where do we send the armed mob?

I think the tiler was only dabbling in the tv/radio hijacking for a little while circa 1988-1990; I can't recall any substantiated stories of him doing it past then. (And even then, I think he was only doing it in a relatively small area of the city, relatively close to his house in South Philly.)