
Upvotes for correctly listing Remembrance ahead of Genesis, as is right and proper.

Once and exactly once in the RTD era did the series manage to get this more or less right, in Paul Cornell's "Human Nature / Family of Blood" two-parter. The rest of it…well, I give RTD full marks for normalizing interracial relationships on the show, but it's also a solid demonstration of how that is absolutely not


It's no "Superunknown", but if it had come out three years after "Down on the Upside" we would have all said "hm, well, at least they're not getting any worse." Considering how long the gap actually was, that's kind of impressive.

I got almost excited there for a second, until I saw that the bay area show was going to be at fucking Shoreline, a steroid-enhanced circus tent masquerading as a concert venue. Oh well.

…and the head bastard in charge, Michael Grade, was at the time romantically involved with Baker's estranged ex-wife Liza Goddard. Baker was never going to be many people's all-time favorite actor in the role, but the poor bastard really never had a chance. It's amazing to me that he's still willing to be at all

Yes, he's been largely honest about that.


Tell that to all three remaining Battlestar Galactica fans.

Likewise, although for me it was always "why do I get a feeling of fear and horror every time Red appears on screen?"

Well, that would kinda explain the weird cut-away to the tugboat at the end of episode 7.

The best argument I can come up with against it is that Maggie's dad only appeared for about 90 seconds of total screen time including a voiceover in a phone call, and I kinda hope that Pizzolatto isn't gonna play the "this incidental character you saw briefly at the beginning is totally part of the conspiracy" card tw

I just assumed that she re-married well.

I took Utopia as a bit of a love letter to classic 70s who: dumb monsters running around in a quarry. Meanwhile, Derek Jacobi picked up the whole episode and walked away with it, cackling, in less than 15 minutes of screen time.

The annoying thing about Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords is that if you happen just stop watching as soon as the last notes of "I Can't Decide" fade away and from that point on decide to pretend that the episode was, a la "Shada", never actually completed, and so write your own fanfic ending, it shoots

Yeah, if I'd stumbled across Gladiator on Netflix while drunk, I'd've thought "well, it's weird that they blew so much money on a script this crappy, but at least there's some decent swordfights." It's the "Best Picture" part that's just incomprehensible, especially since if the Academy really wanted to give the nod

Really the worst thing you can say about Chicago is that it's pretty inessential. It was pretty, it was well-shot, it was mostly well-sung. It didn't do anything with the material that any random summer stock production of it has, but it did it competently and didn't outstay its welcome.

Yeah, say what you will about Cameron (and there's a lot to say, most of it bad since roughly 1995), but when the man spends the GNP of a central american country on a film, at least it has the decency to look like a flim that had a shit-ton of money spent on it.

I think you and me and all of the other Dances With Wolves haters all showed up at the same time.

And while we're at it: I dare anyone who thought that "Gladiator" was awesome when they saw it in the theaters in their early 20s to sit through that bloated, half-witted slop now. I can't quite call it terrible — a bunch of professionals showed up and did their job reasonably well — but pick any random episode of