
Look, if we're gonna (entirely justifiably) pillory "Crash" and "Driving Miss Daisy" for their terrible, self-congratulatory bullshit pandering dressed up as anti-racism, we should also take time time out to bitchslap 1990's winner for Best Picture, Kevin Costner's 3-hour love letter to himself, "Dances With Wolves",

A man after my own heart. CCH Pounder would be goddamn perfect.

I just damn near broke my trackpad upvoting you. Woodard/Basset is fucking genius.

Rust checking his pulse constantly is a clear shout-out to Ellroy.

Yeah. As much as I adore the Wire, it was never, ever about complicated blocking and flashy camerawork. (And bluntly, they didn't have the budget.)

Best single take scene? Mmmmph. "Touch of Evil" and "Children of Men" would both like a word.

Dude looked disturbingly like a young Harry Dean Stanton.

Not so much "somewhere" as "everywhere". RTD has stated more than once that Buffy was one of the inspirations for the new series, and he basically lifted the "season-long Big Bad who lurks in the background for the first half of the episodes" metastructure from BtVS with only a few alterations.

Honestly, this is a silly question to even ask, because the answer is "the entire Colin Baker era, end of discussion."

Freddie Mercury was the gay Elvis.

Eh, given that this was the BBC's victory lap / PR fest for the 50th, it wasn't exactly surprising that they didn't spend much time delving too deeply into the era when most of the show's producers hated each other and the show itself was terrible.

Second prize was TWO copies of "Doctor in Distress". Third prize was a date with Ian Levine.

I'd forgotten that, mostly because the existence of "Doctor in Distress" argues pretty convincingly against the idea of him having even the slightest bit of musical talent or taste.

I'd go so far as to say the only good thing in it. Poor Noel Clarke deserved quite a bit better than what this show gave him.

Bluntly, Earthshock would have been better with more sleek silver featureless killer ballet dancer droids, and fewer to zero cybermen. Better yet if they had decided that the faceless droids were the cybermen, continuity be damned.

Urgh indeed. I tend to give Lloyd-Park himself the benefit of the doubt though, since it wasn't his fault that the character of Lumic was so disastrously mis-conceived. I can't really imagine any performance that any actor could give that would solve the problem of Lumic being "Davros, only boring"

Time and the Rani basically broke me of any urge to try to keep current on Doctor Who back in the 80s, and remains one of the very few Who serials I've never watched all the way through. ToaTL had been bad enough, but T&tR was just aggressively cheap and uninteresting: I gave up after the first episode. It wasn't

"Amateur" is really stretching it though in Levine's case. I've never seen any real explanation of where his money comes from, but he seems to be well off enough to have turned being an obsessive Who fan into a full time occupation, including on multiple occasions self-producing videos starring actual cast from the

Are we? I mean, do we have to be? I guess? Maybe?

There's a tendency to grade 24 on a curve because of how much better the Cartmel team got, starting immediately in season 25, and because Cartmel inherited at least one P+J Baker script (and, um, Bonnie Langford) from the previous team with no time to get it (or her) replaced or rewritten.