
"Summoned by Shadows" is available on Youtube in two parts. I am not brave enough to watch; your milage may vary:…

Good lord. Never in the history of the internets has there been a youtube link that I have avoided clicking so assiduously. You had me at "Ian Levine [self-produces a] 'We-are-the-World'-style celebrity pop song" and when I said "had me" I mean "not for all the money in the world."

By a weird set of circumstances, I know more than one person who went to school with some of the Farrow/Previn/Allen kids. The consistent (and uncoordinated) stories from all of them suggest that you are very much right. Neither of those narcissistic shitbags should have been allowed near a single child, never mind

Nah, I've said better things about worse episodes when my own brain chemistry was significantly altered. :)

The Soul Hunters were kinda crap, no doubt. But he also had a decent guest spot as a doomed Narn ship captain in "The Long Twilight Struggle."

Yup, that's the older Sheppard's credit that I mentioned. I was always kinda sad (and, given the ridiculous breadth of his CV, a little amazed) that he somehow never popped up on the old series— it's not like he wasn't willing to take gigs in the UK at the time. (The original Channel 4 Max Headroom telemovie was

Per IMDB, Sheppard had a single-episode guest spot on Voyager. I'm not masochistic enough to ever watch Voyager again, so no clue if it was any good.

Hm. Glover is probably a solid candidate. John Hurt, obviously, although I suspect that "The Time of the Doctor" is never going to have anywhere near the rep of "City of Death" as time goes on.

Good point. When "Star Trek Into Darkness" came out with Noel Clarke having a small role, I found myself wondering which other actors had been on both Trek (any version) and Doctor Who: a bit of googling around of course turned up a list, and I was gobsmacked to realize that I had completely forgotten Simon Pegg

Has there ever been a guest star in the revived series as utterly and pointlessly wasted as Anthony Stewart Head was in "School Reunion"? Given that this was the Davies series sole nod to David Fury's circa-2002 attempt to bring the series back with Head in the title role, I am still gobsmacked that they decided to

I seriously do not buy the "Cobain and Corgan wrote all her stuff" argument, if for no other reason than it requires believing that they gave her their best material rather than use it themselves. Maybe Cobain was dumb and/or high enough to do that, but Corgan?

I actually appreciate the dedication. It's clearly nothing personal: everyone gets their downvote. I look forward to reading the interview where he reveals the plan behind it as a massive performance art piece.

Thanks, automatic downvote guy!

The sad thing about Love is that — important qualification here — when she's sober, she is a fantastic musician, a decent actress, and an occasionally insightful essayist. (Yes really.)

And yet, he's still smaller than the dude who played Gregor in Season 1.

Holy shit. I don't think my brain was or will ever be ready for the idea that Patrick Troughton of all people is… really, really hot?

"(Relatively speaking, anyway—Peter Capaldi, 55, is the same age Hartnell was in “Unearthly Child.”)

Has Ronald D. Moore signed and had notarized an affidavit swearing that under no circumstances will this show end with a climax of: "…well, god did it"? Because if not, not touching this one with a 10-foot pole.

Armond White == Uncle Ruckus?

You win the thread.