It's-a-me! Dracula!

It's Poll-Dark.

I binged the first series last month, and now I'm waiting for every episode. It's just a perfect mix of romance, domestic melodrama and intrigue, and Turner is right that it has basically taken over from Downton. It's not just the timeslot, is also the kinds of small but vital pleasures it offers in terms of

I kind of like how the lack of clear causality makes it feel more alien, like these people really do think and act in ways that are different to us. The flaws of the film add to the verisimilitude IMHO.

I found it in a library years ago, long before I actually read the novels, and found it gloriously wierd. I have really fond memories of reading this largely forgotten load of gothic space esoterica in a dark corner of a dusty old British library, while i should have been working.

I only read it this month, after reading the first three about a decade ago. Yeah, it's just baffling conversations about meaningless philosophical ideas, but I still really enjoyed it. I've no desire to read any more though.

I like both.

Every time I open a map at home, I point to some random spot and say, "Here we are… Caladan. And there Arrakis, source of the spice."

I will only be interested if it's so camp that it has its own toilet block, like the old TV show.

Looks really good. Will watch.

Voldemort and his plans were bad, yeah, but the property market in towns near London? That's true evil.

If we are honouring our forefathers by maintaining the old memes, then you're supposed to say "I jerk off every time I see Daisy Ridley."

After Finn escapes, Kylo Renn also says to Hux, "Maybe we should have stuck with clones instead of your training programme," or words to that effect.

Almost. But 'human beatbox' is lower.

"New app lets you buy leftover restaurant food for cheap."


I went to Hong Kong recently, which is full of Circle Ks. That line went through my head permanently.


It would be Fahckin.

*Throws UK visa into a puddle.*

As a Brit who voted 'Remain,' I suppose, if I had to summarise my thoughts today, I would go with something like "FUCK EVERYTHING."