It's-a-me! Dracula!

The Film Tax Relief scheme which encourages US productions to Britain will presumably remain in place - its a UK thing rather than an EU thing.

I'm fairness, no one ever talks about actual fucking acting choices on Inside The Actors Studio. They usually just churn out bullshit about how great it was too work with Julianne Moore. Fuck that show.

Clarkson is already in the UK release of the original Cars, as the voice of a lawyer car, for some reason.

Black and Dekker? Like the drills?

"And now we tally up the house points to see which… Oh hang on… 500 extra points to Gryffindor because Ron found a shiny penny or something! FUCK THE SYSTEM!"

Jesus Christ vs Mechagodzilla. It's the only possible option.

Eh, Hollywood had been endlessly remaking movies pretty much from the moment a bunch of dudes hauled ass to California to escape Thomas Edison. This is nothing new.

Hey man, maybe…

Tangental point, I know, but today I was looking at the amazing below the line comments on every negative review of the forthcoming Warcraft movie, and suddenly lots of things about the Ghostbusters furore and other game related controversies, which I had never really understood, made sense to me: These people are

Cate Blanchett: Is she a good actress? Or is she just tall?

Its a movie I always remembered as a shrill rehashing of Indiana Jones, but I did the same, and grudgingly rewatched it last year, only to discover that its a very, very engaging and well crafted movie.

That's why I have that sharpened stick.

Noah is pretty much like that.

Look I know its the most obvious fucking thing to say, so I hate myself for saying it, and I'm sure there a million comics geeks out there who can tell me that some shit about Batman finding out that Aunt May was turned into a cyborg by satan or something proves me wrong, but nevertheless…

Wolverine falls in love with a… golden retriever… for some reason.

IM3 is the only Marvel movie I actually like - for the twist, and for the subversive comedy that bubbles away throughout (the kid, the creepy fan Tony encounters, the very self aware henchmen), and, actually, for the spider-monkeys action sequence, which shows a superhero saving people in a thrilling and creative way,

I know next to nothing about the game (I stopped playing games just when it became a thing), but this looks flat out incredible to me.

I've been to loads of meetings at CGI/postproduction places recently and they all bang on about developing stuff for VR, VR is the next big thing, etc, etc. I think there must be development money sloshing around or something.

Also in SW's defence, it has some straight up incredible design work, cinematography, etc.

Eh, you might like it then. It's pretty much Winter Soldier meets Age of Ultron. The quips aren't as witty though, and it's surprisingly downbeat in comparison with Marvel's other movies.