It's-a-me! Dracula!

Broadly speaking I agree - not a bad episode at all, but one lacking the intense sense of mystery and menace that infuses the best episodes. And I was kind of appalled that the word 'dimension' was actually used. I'm not really into the sci fi explanations for whatever the hell this is.

I kind of thought the problem with season two was that he abandoned the patchwork of references and quotes from other sources which made up the first season, in favour of his own, much more insufferable, cod-shakespearian dialogue.

This was how I read it. I kind-of think now that the Black and White Lodges are reductive concepts used to explain these inter-dimensional shenanigans (which was pretty much how they were introduced in the second season of Twin Peaks), rather than actual places that structure the metaphysics of

(Long pause.)

Fucking solid gold as usual from start to finish. To be honest, Twin Peaks means so much to me, and this series had been so absolutely, wonderfully perfect, that I feel like I can't discuss any aspect of it on the internet or IRL without somehow breaking the spell, but I will say two things:

I just thought it would have worked better if she had realised that there was no god of war, and that this is what people are like, which is pretty much where the movie was going.

I always get the feeling the many, many smart-alecky Marvel dudes are way more comfortable hanging out with their bros than with icky girls (witness the incredibly awkward kiss in Civil War).

Saw it last night, and totally agree.

I dunno. Episode 4 is all quirky characters, and is laugh out loud hilarious almost all the way through. Dougie, vacant Cooper, the insane stuff with Gordon Cole (pussy hound extraordinaire), yes Wally Brando, Sonny Jim, etc.

I really enjoyed this. As it goes on, it does suffer from some of the same problems as Prometheus, but its generally a way slicker, more convincing and interesting take on the slightly hokey themes and plot mechanics of the last film.

Blade Runner is my favourite film. Love Roger Deakins. Mixed feelings about Denis Villeneuve.

I walked out of that movie with my eight year old daughter, who was also hating it, after about 20 minutes. I got my money back, and we went and got a doughnut instead.

Eh, the 'Down and Out Observer' is better.

If someone you don't know, who you have never met dies, and you feel kind of sad about it, is that grieving?

It's been in the can for a month or two.

I'm not sure about a sequel, but I'd be totally down for more squad based SW war movies - like Red Two or 501st.

His crack at the opening fanfare ain't bad:

I'm looking forward to the movie, but these last minute scores are almost always the most bland, barely developed and generic movie muzak imaginable. Also, Gianchino has some good scores under his belt, but he also has quite a lot of samey, half hearted symphonic guff. The portents are bad.

I find the Shining very Christmassy, for some reason - not really scary.

Okay, well, it has that flat pronunciation, like 'Doll.' And in the show they seem to say 'Poll-DARK.'