It's-a-me! Dracula!

Christianity?? This explains A LOT!

Kingsman - smarten up.

I've had this comment carved onto a granite slab which has been erected at a windswept crossroads, so that it can endure through the ages.

I'm hoping it will just be an endless queue of slumming it B listers who each have time to pull on their funny outfit and spit out a zinger for the most bro-ish possible nerds to cheer at, before the next one in line punches them out the way.

AngloPHILE! Jesus, Mirren, that finishing school wasn't worth shit, was it?

The issue is not that the movie features limited variation on genetic convention. It's that it tells a ridiculously similar story in the same narrative universe, featuring the same characters, in the guise of a sequel.

"The common, lazy accusation that the movie is a copy of ANH really isn't true."

But how does fucking up a beloved character serve fans? The fans are usually the most pissed of about this kind of shit.

OK, so:

What I never expected was, halfway through, to think "How the fuck much more of this is there to go?"

Right now Abrams is rocking around the place, going on about how he *knows* that he fucked up that beloved sci-fi franchise movie you saw, to make you think that he's learned enough to not fuck up any other beloved sci-fi franchises you might be able to name.

Not even in the titles of a made-for-TV biblical miniseries starring, let's say, Ben Kingsley and Jonathan Rhys Davis?

Lesta! Which pub was it?

I imagine every day JK Rowling props herself up in bed, fires up twitter on her iphone, and is all like, "Severus Snape's aunt was called Belinda #pottermore." Then she makes a cup of tea, rolls a fag, and is all "Neville Longbottom grew up to work in a haunted petshop, where he caught the H1N1 off a hippogriff

It locks itself in the bathroom and won't stop crying.

Indeed. The end of Skyfall is the best thing ever, and includes the best ever piece of dialogue in a Bond movie:

Agreed 100%. I thought it was 90 minutes of (mostly) great work, followed by 45 minutes of non stop disastrous missteps.

This film is like me on a night out - it works for a while, but it falls apart towards the end, outstays it's welcome, and becomes embarrassing.

Subuteo Handjob.
