It's-a-me! Dracula!

Speaking as a representative of the doughy middle aged man subculture, I would rather watch fatso-Fillion being rich, solving crimes and getting it on with Stana Katic in Castle than have him prancing around in some superhero shit.

Contractually required 6 hour daily workout plus 80% cocaine diet.

You know Boggis, Bunce and Bean in Fantastic Mr Fox - the farmers (and brothers) who go crazy running down one little fox?

I think IM3 looks like a Marvel movie, but its really a '80s throwback action movie that sets out to piss all over the modern comic book blockbuster - and that's why its Marvel's best. It does something with the conventions of a Marvel movie, rather than just reproducing them.

He guards the rainbow bridge #heimdallfacts

I love John Carter and Kingsman. That's one ticket sale guaranteed.

Bearing in mind how fucking incredible the Alexa can look on even a modest budget (see, say, Fortitude), it's amazing that Marvel, with all its money, uses it to get such depressingly uninteresting images.

Or its contents.

Is it this? Or derived from this?

I am wearing trousers exactly like this right now, and I look fucking dreadful. Think on that, future hipsters.

Surely Burn After Reading is the third entry in this Numbskull trilogy of which you speak?

Well, you know what they say: If you can't stand the heat, get off of Mickey Rourke's sex grill.

Damn it!

But he did send that wild haired, slightly chunky woman to fuck Conan in a cave, so, you know, he's still got one up on the Christian god.

The BBC wishes it made Downton Abbey.

Its 'Wyrms' or GTFO round these parts.


You know, I'm all for disagreeing with reviewers, because the pleasure we get from movies is so damn personal - but its depressing to see AVC commenters calling for a staffer to be fired, or endlessly flaming him for holding the 'wrong' opinion. Save that shit for AICN.

If I remember correctly, its also the final line of Robinson Crusoe and 1984.

That's what killed it for me. I read the first of those books in the late 1990s. By the time Feast of Crows came along, I couldn't remember a damn thing about any of the characters. They're too long to re-read, so now I'm basically relying on memes from the TV show to keep me up to date. There's no way I could