It's-a-me! Dracula!

Two of the beds in my house are broken in the middle of the divan. Both are held up by stacks of hardback books.

It ain't new, but have you read The Arabian Nightmare by Robert Irwin? That is some fucked-up shit, yo.

Arnie's autobiography. Its not literature in any way, but it's both strangely inspiring and unintentionally hilarious in equal measure.

Yeah, that's sort of what I was expecting to hapoen to me.

I expected to hate it, and kind-of did for the first 45 minutes, but then something clicked and I got into it. In fact, the thing I enjoyed the most was the balls to the wall spectacle and action of the second half.

Episode X: More than are on Richesse.
Episode XI: Why yes. Er, I suppose there are.

I quote (admittedly from fucking wikipedia, which is a surefire way of racking up a fail at university):

It used to be that comic book movies came around occasionally, and when they did, you were lucky if the character even distantly resembled the comic version. Now its got so it has to be exactly the same, with no deviation whatsoever from comic continuity, or nerds all over the internet lose their shit (first with Iron

I do honestly agree, but I'm curious - the last census indicates that people identifying as Black make up between 2-3% of the UK population, those identifying as Indian/Pakistani 3-4%, East Asian scrapes 1%. The UK is apparently overwhelming white, although there are some areas, and a handful of cities, including