

Good family values, and the full, rich flavor of Winston cigarettes.

Yes, Mr. Sherman. Everything stinks.

In the last level of the Flintstones NES game (the first one, not the ultra-rare Surprise at Dinosaur Peak), Gazoo takes you to the future and George Jetson is just like, "Hey, Fred! Long time no see!" He doesn't even bat an eye. It's awesome.

I missed that one. Who said it?

I got it from the reviews. I assumed it was from imdb or promo materials, but maybe Handlen made it up.

Yeah, any idiot could see through his obvious lies and cartoonish villainy. All the polls are predicting he'll lose by about 150 electoral votes.

With Maurice getting the doobie in his lap, "micturated," "preferred nomenclature," and now Lenin/The Walrus, they've been hitting Lebowski pretty hard this season.

Yeah, any search of "Gloria Burgle" would if nothing else turn up results using burgle as a verb and other women named Gloria, not "NO RESULTS." This is definitely a quasi-supernatural conceit we either accept on the show's terms or we don't, but there's no point in nitpicking it.

DonBoy, you're out of your element.

Remember, if they really stick to that, Yuria kills Varga.

But these damn millenials just complain and think everything should be handed to them!

It's a slippery slope. First there's justice, and next thing you know, lives matter.

It makes sense that the people who get really upset about how wrong the college kids are these days are usually people whose thinking hasn't evolved since they were 20.

Blonde Chinese hair and the skin of a hot dog. It's awesome.

I love that it wasn't even posted by someone who has nostalgia for the show, but by the guy who played saxophone in the theme song. NOBODY has nostalgia for the show.

something something Trump.

Ain't no passing craze.

American Zombie Idol was already a sketch on Robot Chicken.

Apparently the "Yeah" was ad-libbed, as was Joker clapping when Gordon gets promoted to commissioner. Both are brilliant moments.