thats a dodge caliber
thats a dodge caliber
Why is this Torino in such ragged condition?
I understand the car journalist interest coming for autonomous / electric cars, and as a software engineer I look at the Tesla Model S and think “wouldn’t it be cool to own one of those”.
Can we appreciate how the awning makes the lead image look like someone’s scrapbooking project about car pictures?
Alright Jaguar, your move.
“Changed oil, discovered 7cm hole in block”.
stoke.... thank you for setting me straight
The back 3 sparkplugs on the Buick 6-bangers on the 90's was always impossible for me.
I’m a veteran of several 24-hour Chumpings, Stef, and there’s one important thing that I’d say you should remember. Let this be your mantra:
Good points. Mike did talk about some red flags to avoid, which was informative. And WD at it’s worst is still better than most of our American car shows with their “This needs to be done by tomorrow at midnight or we’re done for and you’re fired!” crap.
Watt? I would never....
NASCAR has sucked since they stopped racing stock cars. It gave us the muscle cars. We have neither now. No cars, no racing what we as fans can buy. It is like pro wrestling, pointless entertainment. Just as silly. A missed trickle down effect of NASCAR was local dirt tracks. Nobody races what is available anymore.
That has been true with every family run business I’ve ever encountered. The second generation usually carries much of the passion because they’ve watched their seniors build it with pride and usually huge sacrifice. The third generation is usually spoiled at this point, largely detached from the business, and only…
France is a 3rd generation leader of NASCAR.... the 3rd generation usually ruins the familyy business
I dunno, I don’t see ‘Superfast’ anywhere in its name.
That’s not as bad of an issue as everyone driving around at night with THEIR HIGH BEAMS ON CONSTANTLY!