
Instead of having the characters pop out, have the player in the advert reach or step through the screen, like they're looking through a window. That's a fairly accurate way of representing it.

@plasticmouse: WHat do you mean, 'flailing around'? He opens up like in the Advance games or Sonic CD, but he doesn't flail about.

@Patrick Boyle: All that, and the fact that a third of the series has now been solid fighting. It doesn't even make sense anymore; Ichigo gets wiped out by Ulquiorra, gets patched up for another battle, then fights Ulquiorra again who talks about how he has changed and got stronger. Zuh? It's been two hours in their

@ImmaLion: Sexual abuse at a young age is incredibly damaging, so it's fairly understandable that the police are going to take an extemely dim view of kids pissing about and wasting time in a very serious job.

@Ryodestined: The console contains evidence, so yes it was necessary. I imagine most of the work is going on at Microsoft's end, but child porn generally gets treated seriously enough for them to want every shred of evidence they can get their hands on.

To discover new worlds, and play with new realities that are not only visually different, but conceptually different in every way, where the very laws of reality are completely new. Everything from Resistance and Ratchet to LittleBigPlanet and the Pixeljunk series. I have almost no interest in realistic games

Got be honest, I never understood why Game & Watch was meant to be fun, even when I was young and ridiculously impressionable. But then I've never enjoyed games that are completely simplistic, including Tetris. My loss, I guess.

"Will Med'an and the newly formed Council of Tirisfal vanquish the evil Cho'gall and the Twilight's Hammer?"

@(zombie) buddhathing: Playing through it a while ago, my biggest thought was "geez, why does this thing hate me so much?". Mario handles like an oil tanker, there are some truly odd jumps and an absolutely ridiculous number of warp pipes take you back to the start of the game. I cursed the devs for being assholes,

@Plowking: Bayonetta is one of the most strikingly hot game characters I've seen in a while, and I fully look forward to the deviant pornography that will follow.

@Tanneseph: Comments have been a lot less hostile towards this as time has gone on; iIt seems to be winning people over and I'm glad of it. Now I just need it for PSP so I can finish Prinny...

@spiderweb1986: Lost Levels, where Mario moves like an oil tanker and secret warp pipes take you back to the start of the game.

@rorkimaru: But they removed the hardware component very quickly, right after the first batch of EU consoles. The software option was removed because it wasn't reliable enough; it isn't like they couldn't have just left the last software release as it was, since it was already coded and thus not costing them a penny.

Are they including upper management as well, ie. the highly paid execs? If so then I imagine the figure is somewhat less for ordinary employees.

No Sinistar? The first level was gaming perfection. In that one level you experienced fear, exhileration, intense gun fights, skillful weaving through asteroid fields, mad dashes away from a dozen enemy fighters, and the bowel loosening terror of being sucked into his mouth as you unloaded every last bomb you had at

@BxB402: GamesRadar showed a ton of clips from his films recently, and the one for Postal was ace. Nazis, terrorists, Uwe Boll getting shot in the nuts. It was great.

After Noby Noby Boy, he has some serious spade work to do before I'll put trust in his name again.

Eden is a small slice of awesome, as will be this. It easily ranks with Monsters up at the top of my list of arty farty PSN games I usually get bored of after an hour but keep on buying regardless.

@ckinney23 @Dennen: Couldn't agree more. PH was up to standard as usual, but you just couldn't shake off the deja vu.