I could kinda see Obama as Isildur. An unexpected hero who manages to do what many thought impossible at a desperate hour, only to later be corrupted by dark power and cut down by his enemies before he can effectually do anything more of value.
I could kinda see Obama as Isildur. An unexpected hero who manages to do what many thought impossible at a desperate hour, only to later be corrupted by dark power and cut down by his enemies before he can effectually do anything more of value.
Jake from State Farm is kind of pissed.
Found on ebay:
2015 USAF Ghostrider Gunship
One of a kind
Babied...never tracked or raced...never wintered.
New wings and recently replaced OEM flight crew buckets.
$50 million OBO.
No tire kickers, no mavericks.
“sexy little car-sprite, with her magic talking shoe. What’s that, shoe? The blue fuzzy texture of this mattress is making you aroused? You and me both, shoe. You and me both.” Oh man, I’m cryin’.
Heavily biased article, and one that doesn’t accurately represent where those politicians stand on those policies. For abortion, yeah, they want to stop killing babies. They believe the life of a baby supersedes the right of the mother when she is deciding to have sex. Most people on that stage suggest that you limit…
Yeah, dude, I’m a Pats fan, but we were definitely cheating. It’s bullshit do-nothing cheating, sure. It’s not even rosin on the baseball, it’s watering the basepaths or stealing signs.
Have you not been following this case, or are you just a blind Patriots homer?
You’re part of the problem. Just another person illegally touching their balls.
Why can I hear clicking in the video? Is she....is she the Predator?
I believe Patrick Stewart could salvage any garbage, if you let him say the lines in whatever inflection he wants.
Time and time again gamers continually prove that as much as they claim to want change, what they really want is a prettier version of the exact same thing.
How do these differ from using f.lux?
How do these differ from using f.lux?
Play.. :p
You are right. A bunch of fascists are the reason that the state of Israel even exists. I don’t think the creation of an exceptionally powerful Jewish state was the final solution they had originally envisioned, though.
Say what you will about the Israelis (and there is much to be said, bunch of fascists), but they’ve got to have the hardest hitting pound for pound military in the world.
Regardless of what a person thinks of Israeli policies/politics, you have to absolutely love their military ingenuity and resourcefulness. Whether it’s building the Kfir from French blueprints, building a nuclear arsenal on the sly, pioneering the use of UAVs, developing a top-notch electronic/cyber capability, to…
Perfect timing. I bet the punishment will be that the Patriots have to kick off from the 20 during a preseason game or some bullshit like that.
“And, while it appears Russian forces are fighting in Eastern Ukraine, we also do not believe there was any knowledge or wrongdoing by Vladimir Putin.”