Danny Steiger

“So Dick Cheney and the Koch Brothers worked together to keep minimum wages low as a form of modern day slavery but they focused only on fucking over the VERY people who were so die-hard Republican, they wouldn’t even notice that these are the same people screwing over their standard of living in the first place. It’s

“Turn right at the CVS®, where you can pick up a delicious Red Bull® to continue your drive”

they can only dream of being rubbed all over a body

Just to have 50,000 lb aircraft slam into them repeatedly.

Dear Microsoft,
Thanks for giving us back some of the features you took away when we "upgraded" to the Xbox One from the 360.... now give us back our media streaming options; even if it's Windows Media Center. I don't want to have to keep switching back and forth between my Xbox One and last gen consoles, just to


this is the first I've heard of this 'so called rumor' ...and you're the only person I see touting it. which makes it seem like you're trying to start a rumor

it's most likely because they haven't been able to localize certain things, such as the dashboard content, and they haven't quite been able to get certain accents detected by the Kinect as well as they want/need. If they were having heating issues, they would just delay the launch everywhere, not just in several

"We were practically forced to do the same due to false information being spread about our console and mob mentality towards change."

Microsoft should say something along the lines of:

Are they free forever, or are they only free as long as you remain a gold member?

Cant fuck with us militarily? Probably. But look at that hole in the ground in New York, pictures of holes in the Pentagon, the USS Cole, The embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, Beirut and several airlines. Do we not have a right to defend ourselves and destroy the enemy? You act like

you know.. the "jihadists" who we are fighting in the middle east are staying in the middle east so that they can try to kill american soldiers.. because we are engaging them there, closer to their homes. Because if we WEREN'T over there, giving them their chance in the sandbox, they would be coming to our yard to

You're right. We should settle our differences on the dance floor!