Danny Steiger

Pretty unbelievable. Fun fact of the day: eating disorders have a higher mortality rate than heroine addictions. More than likely both diseases are caused by psychological issues and the addition itself is just a form of self-medicating. And that's only two examples, there are many more. You might not be able to

"That's $2.5 million right there and we can assume many tens and hundreds of millions of dollars, if not much more, will need to be spent before driverless cars reach consumer hands.

Well of course not. I was (mostly) joking. You have to admit, these two, while highly entertaining, were not the smartest cookies when it comes to personal preservation. Deaths that are inescapable are tragedies, Joplin very much included. But when people die doing dumb things... yeah, just can't feel all *that*

Remind me why we still have tornado deaths in this day and age of early warnings? Oh yeah. Right.

They should make an app that can play music off of actual music (i.e. what a piano player would play), now THAT would be cool! (obviously still not taking the place of true human artists who can put more or less emphasis on a note or change pace, but really cool none the less!)

Oh man, i thought I was gonna be the first ;)

Hmm... I didn't even make it half way through the video before I lost interest. Not knocking anyone liking this, I think it's interesting what different people like and gravitate towards!

Hey! I actually quite like a majority of the science fiction crap that Hollywood shoves down my singular throat!

Great article and crazy intriguing stuff. Thanks for sharing!

I see what you did there ;)

I agree with you. I even brought back the start menu with a third party piece of software. The mistake MS made wasn't that they innovated in the first place, it's that they did it poorly. Often times companies (or people) react to failing by pulling back and just playing it safe. I think that's what Erik was

Ahhh, you're in IT, that explains your lack of people skills and superiority complex*. Yours is still one perspective from one demographic.

Wowser, who pissed in your cheerios? Cut it with the condescending bullcrap, "You have obviously..."

Seen him? Or saw him? One smart ass deserves another ;)

Remind me why we're running low on Helium again? Oh, right...

I gotta say, that was one heck of an invasive ad! I know you gotta make money (and I know you don't control it) but gosh darn!

Cool video... Also a great example of parenting! Seems like a great dad with kids destined to grow up curious and intelligent :)

It's true. Modern Christians, though, follow the teachings of Christ, who pretty much turned everything on its head - no more stoning, no more judging; instead grace and forgiveness and love. Read through the new Testimate and don't cherry pick and tell me what you think of that.

Come on, seriously? Most women who are discontent with their natural figure and are on the thinner side don't do things that are physically unhealthy/damaging by trying to add weight. On the other hand women who are dying to be thinner frequently damage their bodies with diets, poor life habits, and starvation.