Danny Steiger

Give Jesus (Diaz) a break - he's just bitter that he was named after a diety that he somehow finds so abhorrent. Cause, you know, a guy who preached peace, loving your neighbor, and forgiveness is a pretty terrible guy to be named after... wait...

Joking aside the level of left-wing anti-religious bias that is pushed

I agree, not in a snarky way, I just mean id love for a little more info, "we found this particle, scientists hypothesize that it might [insert way it affects out world]."

exactly my thoughts... Is this like a promising first step? Cause it doesn't sound like a "cure" for paralysis at all...

My dad did the same thing 15 years ago, standing on a ladder on a raised tractor bucket... Smart enough to take out every other and then hook a chain around the rest. Gotta get the video on YouTube. When the thing came down it blew the plastic top up about 100 ft in the air from the air pressure. As a 15 year old I

Cool! I think...? Am I the only person unfamiliar with antineutrinos? Is this good news or bad?

Bahaha! Highly entertained!

Are you talking about the "play to..." Choice from windows? What I miss is being able to browse my media files from my xb1. Call me lazy, but I don't wanna go to my computer in the other room to select it. Yes, first world problems, but technology is fundamentally supposed to move forward, not move backwards.

Honest question: are there any markets where comcast And TWC are available options? Every place I've lived there's been a single option for cable. If this is the case would much really change? I must also be about the only person in the country who's experienced rather decent customer service from comcast...

I love the attitude that people give. Yes, I read the article but had to do it in little snippets as I was at work - obviously I missed that portion. Thanks to everyone who chimed in to answer my oversight. How about a little grace to go along with it... Sheesh!

For some reason I was under the impression that "true" absinthe wasn't available in the US for some ingredient (supposedly the hallucinogen) was illegal here. Am I totally off?

Obviously small communities and bugs doing this won't have any impact, but I wonder what kind of wide spread effect this would have on weather/climate if they commercialized a way to remove high volumes of water from the fog... I mean it's gotta effect something down the road, right?

"Panaonic"? What a fun new brand!

True true! Let people do what they enjoy. Just cause it's not what *you* want to do doesn't mean someone else can't enjoy it. This is a post for people who have iphones and want to jailbreak. End of story. Quit spreading malcontent on the interwebz people!

First thing I thought of :)

valid point!

I know Giz doesn't approve of putting ones iPhone in a case... But assuming one did insist on putting their $600 device in a protective case, does one have to remove the case each time I wanna play?

I know Giz doesn't approve of putting ones iPhone in a case... But assuming one did insist on putting their $600 device in a protective case, does one have to remove the case each time I wanna play?

Aww, shucks!