Danny Steiger

Because I felt like it was polarizing. No one forced you to read my comment either ;)

Hey, if that's your opinion, then my respect went up for you. Perhaps it's being overly jaded, but I have very little respect for either party - both are flagrantly broadcasting their biases (bias'? biasi?) and both parties are very little if not self-serving. Just as conspiracy theorist right wing nuts drive me

It's a "gift from god" when Fox News has some technical glitches? Gimme a break Ashley. Maybe most readers politically lean to the left and as such have a distaste for fox, but ALL the readers come here to read blogs about technology.
Is it funny that it happened to them? Yeah. But it's really just trolling (or

Revision: Riot gear? With the shields it would atleast make a little sense - then there'd be bunches of them shoulder to shoulder. Peripheral vision doesn't matter too much... except to the poor two suckers at the end of the police line.

Air flow aside, how about peripheral vision? I'm betting these are just for parades. Or... nope. Got nothing. Seems like that's about all they'd be practically good for.

"Any opponent of industrial change or innovation."

I would have to disagree with being defined as this. I love technology, I live off of change. I read gadget blogs to stay up on the newest and greatest. I would certainly not rate either Vine or Twitter as "industrial change or innovation." Comparing

So changes that are most beneficial for "hardcore gamers" are bagged on for being marketed? So sick of that whiney, self-absorbed, entitled demographic that screws over the rest of us and fills comment sections with complaints. Makes me definitely want to NOT be associated with the bunch.


"For the record, there are rumors that..."

I'm not sure rumors constitute a need to go on the record. Plus it would be hard to believe that a company would not realize they had a heating issue before this point in time.

Very true! Gosh, I'd hate to be in a coma at a .30 =\

Ok, ok... I know the simple math of decimals to percentages. It just seems like consciousness wouldn't be something that would be measured in percentages.
Says one doctor, "I'd rate this patient at a 37% consciousness level..."
Another doctor, "Really? I was leaning heavily toward 42%."
I mean, it really makes more

Ok... two things.

- A scale from 0 to 1? Really?? Cause 1 - 10 would have just been a hassle?
- If they can't quantify consciousness on people who are "locked-in" how did they figure out they were locked in in the first place? O.o

True... probably a side affect of too much Candy Crush Saga...

And this is a tech/gadget article how...?

Indeed. How many other wealthy men dedicate the rest of their lives to giving away their fortunes? To encouraging the other super-rich to do the same? Or, you know, any of the things listed on this page:…

Yeah, what a jerk!

Just to back up my initial claims and opinion, here's a brief excerpt from a recent study:

Nice work on the classy comment. I appreciate what you've brought to the table... although it was so poorly formulated that I'm not even sure if you're arguing for or against me. Either way, something tells me it's not worth my time to try and actually respond.

No. As valid as some of the comments have been I can't make that admission for yours... Take a look at virtually any of the 6 second clips in the montage above... most definitely did not require "an amazing feat" to create. Video editing is a detailed task, planning out scenes takes time. But vine? No. Just no.

I wanted to reply to your post, but it was just so long that I just didn't make it all the way through...

I kid, I kid. I can see your point, but even 2.5+ hour movies (for the most part, and speaking in complete generalization) have to jump from visual excitement to visual excitement to compete for attention...

Remind me again why people's attention spans are shortening? Oh yeah, 140 character "blog posts" and 6 second video clips. At 30 I wouldn't have thought I'd already join the crowd of old people saying "it was sure better back in the day," and "boy, the future sure looks bleak."