
Ugh, I’m so sorry. Thank you for sharing this. I hope you get your dad back one day. Your dad’s story sounds so familiar from what we can observe happening to many people who become radicalized: a person becomes more isolated from others, then something comes along and fills that void, messages repeated over and over

I don’t really speak to my father anymore. At one time, we were great friends. We didn’t have to agree on everything, but we could find common ground on a great many subjects.

Similar to what you say about your father, mine has also always been known for his intellect. He home schooled my half brother and half sister

That’s the thing that no one ever seems to think about. They don’t just hit you on the first date, and they don’t hit you as their first act of abuse. They lay the groundwork over months and years. By the time it gets physical, you have little self-worth left and you begin to believe that really is how they show love.

I am similarly reminded of a different quote.  When Kenneth Lay, evil overlord of Enron, died, Henry Rollins quipped:  “Good.  Stay dead, motherfucker.”

I’m starting to think that as people age they either become harder and more hateful, or softer and more loving. Rush Limbaugh, Qanon, Tea Party politics, etc just hasten the process and make it happen faster.

Folks on Twitter putting it better than I could.

What, if anything, should FKA Twigs have done differently in this scenario?

Yeah, people need to stop giving the benefit of the doubt to people accused of rape, abuse, and hate crimes.

That was almost literally my reply. He's a rich white male. He's gonna do just fine. Nobody has even filed criminal charges against him, at least yet.

Made the mistake of commenting on the Marilyn Manson situation in a different comments section, mostly to ask about a legal question I had, but I mentioned that I didn’t doubt the claims against him. I was rebuffed by someone saying, “Maybe it’s just me, but I prefer to have facts before picking a side so that

I loved this show but missed the last couple of seasons because the station that carried it here dropped it.
My favourite episode: the one where his paperboy is murdered and his newspaper is stolen - just for the scenes where he solves a few unrelated crimes completely by accident before he gets into the main plot.

I loved that Monk accused people of having a "sex affair" - not just an affair, but a *sex affair*.

Upvoting your comment because anion seems like a braying jackass.

I know on the show it said he had OCD, but that would not account for his numerous social deficits. Since obsessive-compulsive behavior is often a symptom of ASDs, in my opinion that is a more consistant diagnosis.

I vaguely remember that episode, and it wasn't "clearly" anything like that. Monk was afraid of milk, yet him being uncomfortable around naked people had some hidden meaning? It seems like it was very much in character and I have no clue how you could read it that way.

He didn't have OCD, certainly in earlier series they even made a catchphrase of the fact he didn't have OCD he had an anxiety disorder with some ocd like manifestations.

We're working on milk!

While watching Monk, I'd amuse my wife with my Ted Levine impression, saying things like, "Monk, was she a great big fat girl?" or "Monk, put exactly 10 lotions in the basket" or "I'd fuck Monk. I'd fuck him hard."

Monk holds a special place in my heart because it was a show that everyone in my family watched together and enjoyed. Most shows that have this wide of a demographic are watered down. But Monk hit the sweet spot between fun and tragic that made you keep watching.

I loved that they immediately played the original theme after that, as if the show itself was afraid of her.