Doctor Boners soap

But is it as awful as 9-1-1?

For lovers of Florida stories of sad sacks I would also recommend “Ruby in Paradise.” I have a soft spot in my heart for these kind of flicks and I know I’ve seen others set in run down Florida tourist towns but I can’t remember them now. “Swimming” with Lauren Ambrose is another good one (but set in a South Carolina

And “believe me.”

I would add A.P. Bio to this well-documented list.

No great loss. His shtick isn’t funny.

I passed him walking near Madison Square Park about two years ago. I’m 6'6" and he was about as tall as me. The first time I ever saw a celebrity that I actually cared about in real life. Such a fine actor.

Nah. You’re wrong.

Ugh. This fucking twat.

Ach...chicks in chokers. So conflicted.

That’s his actual wife. She does have a certain charm until she opens her mouth and starts talking about Hillary’s emails and how black people live off the government.

If Trump came to my place of work for a photo op I certainly wouldn’t stand there with a smile on my face. I find it hard to believe all of those people in the photo are Trump supporters or maybe they just like dead kids?

Well lah-dee-dah mister smarty-pants.

So Florida was a false flag to deflect from the real targets at the NSA? Shit. I’ve said too much.

In all fairness the Democrats did fuck all after Sandy Hook too.

well done old sport. well done indeed.

Stayed not too far away from there last time we visited about three years ago. Such a great spot! Heading back next week and will definitely be stopping in for their fried chicken livers in hot jelly.

Because it’s better than Chicago.

My friend and I were walking outside Penn Station about five years ago in what we called “Bum Alley” and we saw this homeless guy covered in filthy, grey, crusty clothes but for some reason his fly was unzipped and hanging out of it was the cleanest, whitest cock I ever hope to see. That’s what this reminded me of.