Doctor Acula

Newman, he did this too? I deal with him.

Manhattan Projects lost me after a while, but I've read the first two TPBs of this and I've been enjoying it

Surprisingly dull so far

They're gonna take the existing footage and add in some cutaways to Harmon making comments like "Ooh! That's gotta hurt!"

Dr. Wily ran out of parts so he gave him a garbage bag for a face

Still better than "My lifestyle determines my deathstyle," an actual line from the OPENING TRACK on St. Anger, one of the worst things human society has ever produced.

she looks like a reverse planetarium

"We're taking heavy fire! For God's sake, fire back at them!!"
"Oh, sorry, this isn't an actual complete gun, it's just (turns to camera) the end of a gun."

Mr. Gorbachev, turn off this fridge

This is the sort of thing the Patriots are supposed to be preventing from happening by secretly running the world

I really liked it at the start, but it jumped the shark right around the time he was institutionalized for a 2-part Very Special Episode

"What's it do?"
"You know, walking eye stuff!"

Trump would never want to think that hard about how to write numbers.

"It could be worse."
"Also, a tie-in animated series?"
"It's worse."

Pretty recently, I think. I was going to put one of the Ken Burns shows on for background and they took them all down except for The Roosevelts

The exact scene where I personally thought to myself, "this is getting to be a bit much" was in the season 3 premiere where they show Anderson, the forensics guy, hosting a meeting of conspiracy theorists discussing how Sherlock faked his own death, and it was clearly supposed to be like a meta joke about the show's

Ground control to Ray and Egon
Take your proton pack and put your jumpsuit oonnnn

Star InfoWars

I'm honestly not sure what the actual definition of alt-right is, aside from "people who are bonkers"

Sorry, you're not qualified for this internship, as you will be unable to type on a computer keyboard with your stone hands