Doctor Acula

"That's not the sign."
"Was when I was bangin'!"

Early Hellblazer is like 60% actual fantasy/horror stuff and 40% Constantine being mad at Margaret Thatcher's politics

Loves of Hercules is sort of unremarkable until you get to the hydra fight at which point……. my god…

I just finished Starcrash. What the hell did I just witness

[Rock Hudson's mother suddenly faints]

As you can see, we boast the largest collection of rivets in Denmark.

Somebody mentioned in another article that they made a point to try and not talk over any of the movie dialogue in this season, and I think the timing might be side effect of that. For some bits, they have to fit it in at just the right point if they're going to fit it in at all (phrasing?)

Paul, Redhawk died for real this time, and we need a place to crash

Embrace the prophecy of Time-Life!

I'm about at the end of the first episode, and like it quite a bit. I think there's probably a scene or two where they're going too fast and kind of stepping on each other's lines a little, but it's not pervasive enough that it prevents me from enjoying it. Servo flying around is a little weird.

"So what happened with the fire?"
"*Eric* the clown stomped it out with his big shoe."

Extremely Breitbart voice:

What's the proper etiquette for the drones? Hovering while facing the flag?"

They gotta stop the whole Lee Corso thing. I saw the mascot head bit from last week and that dude seems barely aware of where he is at this point.

Civil War III: World War II

is that like your cousin, or something?

doc manhatn take apart ipad and put back togther

I don't remember, but probably? Did it really take anything more than that?

vile weed!

I vividly remember being really excited for this show and getting to that scene and realizing that something had gone very, very, wrong