Doctor Acula

"No longer will you have to deal with rude clerks, with names like Dante, and Handal."
"It's Randal!"

what, like the back of a Volkswagon?

"Yes, yes, I see how his wounds perfectly match the shape of Mr. Predator's fangs, all I'm saying is that I never doubt my sense of smell and I'm certain I detected a faint hint of poison in the brandy!"

"Ah voila! An alien cloaking device! I am having a little idea as to how our killer entered the victim's room undetected!"
"Whatever, Poirot. I still say it's the Russian countess."

"It’s not Ten Little Indians … It’s a lot of people doing a lot of things in a lot of locations"

I'd go so far as to say that Peter Thiel and his potential chilling effect on the global media represents a new world order. An NWO, if you will.

"Objection, your honor, leading the witness"
"Overruled. The commissioner has declared this trial to be hardcore rules."

Do Deadspin stuff

His nWo do-rag

If they go under, all I ask is that somebody hire all the Deadspin writers

Already having the Slyterin banners up and magically changing them to Gryffindor in the middle of the ceremony is such a dick move for a grown-ass man to pull on a bunch of 12 year olds

Men Who Actually Use Pronouns

literally every extra on the show is one of King Robert's bastard kids

"How many times has a girl disobeyed us? Two or three."
"Alright. A man says that's the necessary number of times."

They don't come up much in the show, but Jaqen H'ghar is actually assisted by his brothers, Larry H'ghar and Norm H'ghar

Grand Maester Pycelle writes, "I think Cersei gets stupider every year!"

But did jery get ipad?

Source Code had illogical weirdness, such as Metra cars with really nice looking interiors

Specifically, some of them believe that it doesn't matter what happens to the planet because the end times are surely like a generation away, tops, so why bother?

Do you smoke? You will.