Doctor Acula

I can't imagine Zack Snyder ever allowing a giant flower man as the villain, nor as many bright colors as were in those issues

"I'm not gonna kill you, I'm just gonna hurt you… really bad."

Perhaps they're saving that for closing arguments


She could be signing up for Columbia House Records with Jon's credit card

There was also the scene where Sansa blatantly lied to Jon about how she knew about what was going on in the Riverlands.

There are too many noble houses these days. Please eliminate three.

Sansa's been around Robin long enough to know he'd just eat the letter or something

If you want to see the real vampire, take a look in the mirror!

Here's 10 francs, go see Les Star Wars

I'VE FOUND INNER PEACE NOW (cleaves through 50 people)

You can't print that

Supposedly the only reason he won was that he would've hurt his back going over the ropes

Martin cuts a heel promo on Kirkman saying beating him will be a piece of cake. He then goes on to further describe the exact sort of cake he's envisioning. The promo lasts 30 minutes.

I love that the alarm ringing is not enough to deter George's belief that he can convince her that it's a sandwich

A robo-census taker tried to test me once. I ate his CPU with some robo-fava beans and a nice robo-chianti. Beep boop.

You stole my clock?

Websites know this ONE WEIRD TRICK to get people to click on articles based on their headlines

The art looks good. Not sure anything else about it does.

Once they get the X-Men rights from Fox, Daniel-Day Lewis will give the performance of his life as Mojo