Doctor Acula

Nonsense. Although they will eventually forcibly strap an Occulus Rift onto your head so you can experience a series of interactive 3D advertisements first.

This was the one case where the HBO behind the scenes thing with Benioff and Weiss afterwards was actually useful (usually the level insight is something like, "Well, in this scene Jon Snow is sad because he has to hang a kid as a traitor and people generally do not enjoy hanging kids") because it wasn't really clear

VLOOKUP your feelings, you know it to be true

Not sure if "friends" in quotes is more disturbing, or the ominous "for now"

look at the fine stitching on Mad

Cheshire Cat via earpiece: Take the shot! Take it!

Who would have figured launching an entire channel just for showing Texas Longhorn games would've been a boondoggle?

All of these should be Marshawn Lynch playing Mario Kart. No one else on these has ever been as excited about anything as Marshawn Lynch was to talk about playing as Toad in Mario Kart.

"They called her Belle, huh? Yeah, well, she ain't pretty no more." (Law & Order sound)

Hands down the best recap episode a show's ever done

Also coming soon… The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.. Who Just Could NOT Deal with High School Today

"The Grinch's heart grew three sizes that day"
"Wait a minute… three? The Illuminati consider three to be a number of power. And this reference to not touching him with a 24 1/2 foot pole… 3 x 24 1/2 is 73 1/2… and these pillars are exactly 73 1/2 feet apart. My God…"

Tom Hanks: Consider this secret cipher… REKT
Chick from Amile: (flame emoji) (100 with underlines emoji)

Buckle it up
Buckle it up
Buckle it up or you'll diiiiiie

"Sleep badly."
"You mean 'sleep bad.' 'Cause otherwise it's like… the mechanism by which I sleep…"
"What? Who taught you grammar?!"

FIGHT THE OPPRESSORS (hurls toaster across the room)

Maybe Shakespeare will suplex a dude at some point

Two things, etc.

He is the host of THE SITUATION ROOM, which is one of the better examples out there of how awful cable news is. Literally everything is labelled as BREAKING NEWS—including like, a guy setting up a podium for Donald Trump to speak like 15 minutes later, everything is sensationalized (where is the Malaysian plane?!),

"Mr. Reynolds."
"Ahhh, that's not my name."
(exasperated sigh) "Turd Ferguson"