Doctor Acula

I will not pay this fine I've incurred, it's unjust!

Meanwhile Gilly will learn Throw and start whipping shurikens at people

They're referring to his brief playing career as a left tackle for the New York Giants

I mean, they could just film that happening, and with a little post-production magic, bam, you have a ready-made movie based on the comic where Magneto rips Wolverine's adamantium out

Rachel McAdams' character's parents come sold in a packaged set and have 44 points of articulation for incredibly life-like disapproving head-shakes

we get signal

The whole bit about their chances of survivial being 32.333333% ("repeating, of course") sort of gives the game away that it's scripted

Occasionally Max Von Sydow shows up and tells them not to make too much wine at once

Breaking: TWOW Released:

It seems like that's kind of de facto what's happening. How many preview chapters is this now?

You want a good box, but you need the BAD mailing tape

Bone Saw is reeeeeeeaaaaaadddy

Every episode could be him converting to a new religion as he continues his quest to gain total joke immunity

They just had to write "I will not stab the Lord Commander" on the board 50 times

I'd say it's equally as insulting to your intelligence as the first one, but it's actually more entertaining because it's just way weirder. Like, it's been a while, but as I can recall, the first scene is the Pope dying at the Vatican and then the next scene is somebody breaking into CERN so they can make an

He should write a sequel based on the arrow in between the E and the X in the FedEx logo

Angels and Demons was one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen in theaters. Right around the point where Ewan McGregor branded himself with the papal keys symbol was when it crossed over from "mostly uninteresting" to "so bonkers that it's actually sort of entertaining" for me

The opening of that show is the only part of it that's really aged well.

Her superpower is breaking electronics

It's like the plot of Days of Future Past except they have to send Wolverine back to prevent X-Men: The Last Stand from getting made