Doctor Acula

It's an older reference, sir, but it checks out

It's over, George! I have land rights to the high ground!

She added, "In fact, we won't be needing THIS anymore!" and then set DaVinci's Last Supper on fire.

It's at least as deserving as Argo


We're on a mission from Aztec God

Mockingbird III: The Adventures of Even More Racist Atticus

The Blues Brothers is one of my absolute favorite movies, and I'm almost 100% certain that this going to be bad

[insert relevant Abe Simpson quote here]

Finally, I can get one of those 26.2 bumper stickers and feel superior to everyone

Busy with his side gig as Hogwarts custodian right now

Everybody goes on vacation to the beach for seasons 2 through 5. You're fine.

There was a fan theory out there based on certain descriptions about him in the books that he was a skin-changing vampire. This… would seem to have been disproven.

The stalactite impalement is the one thing I remember about this movie

Thus begins the great Game of Thrones/Venture Bros. crossover


So uh… ya got any gum?

Casablanca II: Louie's Revenge

What does the wildling woman have to do with this.

First thing I said when he got off the horse was, "I hope that's Hot Pie Senior"