Doctor Acula

Conservative groups would protest on the grounds that Reagan would obviously be able to fight off a clan of ninjas by himself

Maybe this dolphin will tell me where to go. Oh wait, it's the SAME DAMN DOLPHIN AS BEFORE. FFFFF——-

The episode where Sam has to explain to C.J. what the census is is a particularly egregious example of this

There are a number of scenes in the West Wing that are good right up until the point that Rob Lowe's character says or does something

The Ecco the Dolphin games were so weird. I'm just gonna go ahead and quote the Wikipedia article as Exhibit A:

Taft 4 Life

Firefly is basically Cowboy Bebop that's been Whedon-ified by 10% or so

Cowboy Bebop. They were always working paycheck-to-paycheck. Or bounty-to-bounty, I guess.

"I sleep in a racing car! Do you?"
"No, I sleep in a big bed with my wife."

Arnold Palmer can never die, but merely evolve into his final form of half lemonade and iced tea

Shoot the J! Shoot it!


I guess pop music is another category to avoid if he ever goes on Celebrity Jeopardy again

Do ye ken

I was not around for this, but I remember he did a thing in the 90s where they opened up a pyramid in Egypt, to similarly disappointing results. The archaeologist with him was like, "Uh… here's some random bits of pottery, I guess?" and he did his best to play it off as this huge find.


one would hope

In this thread, we discuss the insane Nintendo Power promotional VHS for Star Fox 64 where Sega and Sony henchmen kidnap a Mario doll and torture it in a warehouse.

—Jeb Bush

If you didn't have to keep all of them alive to get the medals in the 64 game I'd never even bother with Slippy. Oooh, you make a boss life bar show up. You're a real credit to the team Slippy.