Doctor Acula

When I would watch this as a kid, for the longest time, I would somehow miss or just not pay attention to the explanation that there's a limit of 5 of any one item and would consequently get mad at everyone's technique.

Yeah, I 100% why it is the way it is, I just still think it's insane—from a voter's perspective. I completely understand why it's in the best interest of the party to not have it strictly one person/one vote

It's pretty insane that we're the self-professed greatest Democracy in the world and our process for picking our highest office involves random small states getting preferential "First in the Nation" treatment for no reason, coin-tosses, and something called Super-delegates*.

That's what passes for an internet comment these days?

Was not expecting the Foreigner Belt on here

I decided to flip it on completely on a whim and ended up finding it really emotionally affecting. More documentaries should be in that style, in cases where the subject matter doesn't really require any additional explanation and the events can kind of speak for themselves.

If they ever get to Episode 30 they're gonna have to decide how committed they are to Roman numerals

The 10th movie will be "Episode 10." "Episode X" will come out 20 years from now, and will be the new, hip, alternate version of the entire franchise, ala Megaman X.

Your powers are useless on me, you silly-billy

Sweeeeeet angel with a tranquilizer dart

As long as they can ship the characters they're good

Some of these seem almost sane, but I have no idea how "Wacky Races, except with Mad Max aesthetics" isn't going to be one long string of bizarre tonal shifts

It puts the suggested donation in the basket or else it gets the hose again

Somebody should start a rumor that Southside With You is full of subtle clues about Obama's real birth certificate and see how many birthers get baited into watching it for hours at a time like the Zapruder film

It'll do justice to the characters, I swear to God

"Most people got confused about mortgages and ignored them"

Gimme 3 extra bucks and you'll unlock all of the alternate costumes for the tokens (gets out cans of spray paint)


Dealing with Mongo was easy. The bitch was inventing the candy-gram. And they probably won't give me credit for that neither.

We already know about his day-to-day life, what about this new movie he's in?