Doctor Acula

Reminder that unless

(20 minute montage of John Nash ripping people's hearts out)

I spent years putting my circuitous plan to get the chance to assassinate you into motion, but now that you appreciate my calligraphy, I guess you're cool.

c'mon man, we're missin' the death blow!

I unironically love the Monstar's Anthem

All he wanted to do was come home and vote in the Presidential election

Michael sits on the bench, the cold wind blowing, staring off into the distance, contemplating how thoroughly alone he is now that he killed his own brother. Suddenly, holographic Hayden Christensen appears next to him.

They have to make gritty reboots of the first three first. Sonny gets shot an additional 30 times in the new version.

he went to a farm upstate where he can play with the other mob lawyers

Yes, call him by his full name: McGriddle

I heard things

sometimes for really tough fires somebody has to seduce it to distract it while somebody else sneaks up from behind it with the firehose

It's just a guy driving around the loop looking at the rates for each garage he pulls up to and weeping

Yeah, but we have better food and also food that is more likely to kill you before age 50

"Thank God we put out this fire before it got out of control. Let's ask the arson squad from Chicago P.D. if it looks suspicious."
"No, bad wiring."
"Hey, we were dispatched from Chicago Med. Is anyone hurt?"
"No, everyone's fine."
"Oh good."

Is Ack_Ack so out of touch? No, it is the children who are wrong.

Oh my god, he's the Fallen Archer, and he shoots feet at people. Amazing.

and…. and hobbits

I'd add Bottleshock to this. All the scenes at the winery in California are sort of dumb, but Dennis Farina and Alan Rickman hanging out in Paris united by their common disdain for smug French people is delightful.

A hurricane will form over the Great Salt Lake and then move east towards Denver