Doctor Acula

I also have no idea how the people on Maz's planet knew what was going on immediately. They saw some bright red flashes in the sky that didn't really look particularly like how the original superlaser beams looked and they all immediately figured out that the entire Republic blew up.

That's what bothered me most about the movie both times I saw it. Like, whether you have any use for the prequels or not, it's just kind of true that when you put I through VI together, it's a story about the decline and then restoration of the Republic, (parallel with the decline & restoration of the Jedi/light

RIP grandma

Moe is their leader

Yet he apparently watched six seasons worth of it

They had that floating laser ball training thing and they were barely ever transporting jedi-in-training, so they had to do something with it

Are Slim Jims kosher?

The hyperdrive was always busted because Han and Chewie kept sinking all of their money into new holo-chess graphics cards

I don't remember Bogart duel wielding at any point during Maltese Falcon. That tagline is a lie!

And they say he ran awaaaaaaaaaay BRANDED

I'm gonna whack you in the lobanza

To be fair, when you work at a school where kids are routinely harassed by the ghost of a murderer and literal monsters I can see how you'd come to think that you're afforded a lot of license in how you're allowed to treat them.

Fred Cho Hagrid The-One-Black-Kid-that-was-Always-in-the Background-in-the-Griffyndor-Scenes Potter

Please tell me he did one of these for Supermarket Sweep

Next thing you'll be telling me that that stretch of the Amazon obscured in the mist that they had to cross in the first round was just a fog machine and a pool

Yeah, but what if it's one of those ass-on-head monkey species?

"This isn't the end. It's only the beginning."

Nowadays, seemingly every reliever has a 95+ MPH fastball, throws as hard as possible for 20-30 pitches and gets subbed out. I'd think it'd be more likely that a woman could develop a good enough knuckleball to be an innings-eating starter.

Wait a minute… things are never this simple with the Joker… an ottoman… my God… Joker's going to resurrect the Ottoman Empire!

"Aren't there three other majors, though? And a lot of other prestigious golf courses?"