Doctor Acula

I yiff, I die, I yiff again

Scruffy voice: Second.

I wonder if the NFL had any similar reservations about putting its name on NFL Blitz, the game that allowed you to continue launching yourself headfirst at players on the other team for no real reason after the play was dead.


Ain't this place a geographical oddity—two weeks from everywhere!

Ivan Drago turns into Omega Red

There was also T Secrets with Mr. T. Also amazing.

What're you supposed to be from the future?

wasn't there already an episode where a female video game character murdered people for real?

If there's anything that proves that you can splice something in after the fact, it's Star Wars movies

U.S. Presidential Elections

Did you see me escape down into that trash chute? I was all WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP

68) Grills from Hawkeye

Knowing how Venture Bros' bonkers world-building goes., I'm fully anticipating another swerve, where The Sovereign was the actual David Bowie some of the time, and a mere shape-shifter other times.

Remember that time Captain America died, except he didn't really die, he was sent back in time with a "time bullet", because ?????????

I read Axis, because I was reading both Remender's Uncanny Avengers and his Cap and it seemed like the thing to do, and it was shockingly bad. The entire central premise of the story made absolutely zero sense, even by event comic standards.

This has always been inexplicable to me

Also the medically trained robot determining that the dying pregnant woman had "lost the will to live"

C3PO was melted down to make the copper tops

Remember when Pretty Fly For a White Guy was a thing? That uh… that did not stand the test of time.