Doctor Acula

"But with the blast shield down I can't see what's on sale!"
"Advertisements can deceive you, don't trust them!"

Sith might be the best just on the grounds that it has the most Palpatine in it. Ian McDiarmid doing creepy Palpatine stuff is always enjoyable, and it's fun watching him completely clown the entire dumbass Jedi council.

Finn yelled "Traitor!" first

I used to think Facebook was a lot of mumbo jumbo, but… Jade Helm 15… chemtrails… it's all true.

Over/under: 2 1/2 characters chocked to death with piano wire

I just talked to Jesus /
He said what up Yeezus

……It can be two things

This is Bowie to Bowie, can you hear me out there man?
This is Bowie back to Bowie, I read you loud and clear, man.

You must be new to comics

Been spendin' most our lives
Livin' inside this guy's leukocytes

Is he still making those tequila commercials where he condescends random strangers for drinking mixed drinks?

Even though it was literally explaining to you an actual mechanic in the game, there was something deeply wrong sounding about the line "his coconut gun can fire in spurts"

The Star Fox 64 promo video where henchmen from Sega and Sony kidnap a Mario doll and torture it is the best.

Either this poster is sort of false advertisement or there's going to be several miraculous resurrections.

Togusa chimed in that he liked pineapple on his pizza, then they kicked him out of Section 9.

I was gonna make fun of the British for this, but then I remembered that a rat stealing a piece of pizza in the New York subway became a nation-wide sensation for like a week

I think they're trapped in a Missile Command game

It's an expression!

So, so, sooo many questions about this, but first and foremost, why is there suddenly a drum major involved in the last stanza?

Ronald Reagan's stint as governor is no longer cannon