Doctor Acula

Oh? You think drifting is your ally. But you've merely adapted drifting.

"You were in that trash compactor for six months?"
"No, this is different trash from an unrelated incident."

"You guys know about M-brane theory?"
"I have a theory about your brain. It's a mess. Dooo ho ho ho ho!"
"You see, to us, time is a sphere, but from a fourth dimensional perspective, it's a circle."
"Four dimensions? That handlebar mustache looks awful enough in three dimensions! Doo ho ho ho ho!"

He is actually simultaneously all of the accounts on the actual a7x board

I kept my mouth shut when Dean said he could read Sanskrit


Filming on location at the corner of Know Your Role Blvd. and Jabroni Drive

S&P stands for Standard and Poors. It's the stock index for the common plebs of the country. Trump only concerns himself with the classiest, most luxurious, yuuugest investments.

We're still talking about Beanie Babies, right?

Scooby Doo at the Mountains of Madness

Bilbo Begins

So you watch the movie with 4 former Degeneration X members?

In his honor, Lucas will release a new edition of the OT where Wingreen and the prequel guy say all of Boba Fett's dialogue at the same time.

Get me Ham on 5, hold the Mayo

Put Solo in the Carbonite chamber until he's reached a nice al dente consistency.

"Oh no, I'm not telling you any more thingsssss"
"You already told me everything!"

Tobias Funke has landed the role of Horrifically Incinerated Redshirt #2

except Alex Jones

The aliens were conspiring with the government to turn Wal-Marts into FEMA camps in a sinster plot known as Jade Helm 15

11 scenes of horrfying assault & battery