Doctor Acula

We need a moratorium on dumb jokes about "the cloud." Cloud storage has been around for years now, it's not some mysterious technobabble that nobody understands anymore, insofar as it ever was.

Yeah, I get it, I'm just making a sarcastic remark about how frustrating NFL officiating is right now

I feel like under this standard you could argue that actual NFL games themselves are gambling, given that the rulebook basically seems like a giant random number generator at this point.

I forgot that here you call it a sausage in the mouth

"My God, we're being pulled in from behind by a tractor beam!"
"No… this is just as fast as this car goes."

It might be buried somewhere in his giant money pile


A more elegant parking structure, for a more civilized age


At one point Brietbart, or one of those other crackpot sites, found a picture of her eating a hamburger, and they treated it like they were breaking the next Watergate scandal

He tends to a bunch of pigeons, which means he's all fine now, apparently

Christian Bale is in the process of gaining 150 pounds for his supporting role as King Hippo

The Purloined Death Star Schematics

I'd say it seems like a logical thing to try after years of them being wildly inaccurate with blasters.

Oh wow, you're right :(

Never listened to a minute of the first season. Not sure how my Middle Class White Guy card hasn't been revoked yet

I feel like the continuity has been a mess since they rebooted the universe

Actually had no idea until now that The Fade Out was ending at #12* and now I'm sad :(

Out of all the categories it's nominated in, I might be most pulling for Mad Max to win best score. Scores are too understated nowadays. If the movie calls for it, they shouldn't be afraid to be big and bombastic. And "Brothers in Arms" is just a legitimately great piece of music.

(shuts off spigot, people grasp for awards statues piled up underneath pipe)