Doctor Acula

The Golden Globe comedy/drama distinctions have always been kind of a farce. About on equal level with the Emmy distinctions between "Series" and "Miniseries"


You don't want to see an entire movie of Susannah turning imaginary oven dials, or whatever was going on with that?

Don't worry, guys. I'm still confident that this Trump thing is a fad that will fade away by Labor Day. Wait, it's what month?? Ohhh God…

It's the family-friendly animated version of Mad Men

"Snake, try and remember the basics of CQC"
(hip tosses 12 year old)

Big Boss wins the hunger games by hiding in a cardboard box for a week, occasionally emerging to CQC a bunch of 14 year olds. I'd watch it. You know you'd watch it. Make this happen, Lionsgate.

As soon as the tangled mess of dumb, arcane local blackout rules starts to get unraveled, that's when cable is really going to die. MLB is already trying to work towards this.

"Let the force FLOW through you!"

he's closely related to Caribbean Jerk Dinosaur

Maybe the most insane example is the miniseries when they introduced "Nick Fury Jr." in regular continuity, who conveniently looks exactly like Ultimate Nick Fury, and more importantly looks like Samuel L. Jackson.

They used to be shown exclusively by a creepy old man with a projector in his trailer down by the river

"We really wanted to get back to basics and get the series back to it's roots. At some point we'd lost our way and forgotten that, at its heart, Paul Blart is about a fat guy on a segway."

Paul Blart Mall Cop: Revelations

Yo, check it
I am the egg man / I am the walrus
Straight outta Britan / my rhymes are bottomless

I mean, like pretty much everything else in the movie, isn't the answer, "because that's the way it was in old Shaw Bros. kung fu movies"?

Ted Cruz ventures into the mountains to learn the Five Point Exploding Filibuster Technique from immortal grandmaster Strom Thurmond.

The A.V. Club

"Sleep badly."
"You mean sleep bad. 'Cause otherwise, it's like the mechanism by which I sleep…"
"What? Who taught you grammar?!"

It doesn't take much for a movie to get an R rating when it's a movie that kids aren't going to see anyway. Throw in a dude in a superhero outfit and the MPAA will gladly stamp a PG-13 on it