Doctor Acula

that looks more like the House to Enrage Bus Drivers

I hope there's a scene where Fassbender hires four prostitutes to dance around and he stands motionless in the middle of them dressed in his full assassin regalia, and it's like he vanished out of thin air.

Black Flag was much more fun in the parts where it was basically just a pirate simulator than in the parts where it was trying to have an overarching story with whatever Cerebro type bullshit that was.

and that's the waaaaaay the news goes

Was expecting a Rick and Morty reference to be the top comment. I was not disappointed.

Sometimes I forget that Yahoo is not actually a fantasy football site that inexplicably has a lot of non-football related content on the periphery.

"Tonight, a comedian was exploded in New York."

The first act made Eastern Promises that the conclusion couldn't deliver on.

McConaughey es bueno, Vince Vaughn es el diablo!

Late-era Frank Miller Batman

"Bonestorm, get in here! I want you to meet your new partner, Lee Carvallo."
"Dammit, Chief! How many times do I have to tell you? I work alone!"

He's reduced to being The Vape Man

The razor is out there

But who was it who made the powdered wigs that were fashionable in those days?

Conan's most biting political commentary since Cactus Chef playing "We Didn't Start the Fire" on the Flute.

Use your crayons to draw a path out of this maze!

All shows should have a spinoff called The Sex One

Liberals drink water, liberals are comprised of 90% water. The signs are all there. Do you need a road map?

Playmobil 2: Robbers, Thieves, Swindlers, Pick-pockets, Burglars, Embezzlers, Prowlers, Highwaymen, Muggers…

You didn't laugh during the barroom scene