
If a crowd of people surrounds my car and starts hitting it, I’m getting the hell out of there. I can’t be the only person who feels this way.

“And so castles made of sand return to sea eventually”

I think this will be remembered as the pivot moment where Don Lemon finally became presidential.

Damn. I just agreed wholeheartedly with Don. Fucking. Lemon.

It’s unhinged and embarrassing for the country when Don Lemon is the one showing gravitas and insight.

I miss Obama so much!

President Obama put it best:

Death Note is not whitewashing, it is an adaptation. There is a massive difference and it is damaging to the credibility of those fighting the good fight to be claiming it is whitewashing. This casting choice IS whitewashing and is bullshit. Death Note, just like the producer Roy Lee’s The Ring remake, is an

Uhhhh you really need a civics lesson. Hate speech is absolutely covered by the 1st Amendment in the US.

It’s possible he never really got a long with his family and used it as some sort of rebellion. Probably found like minded individuals who reinforced his bad behavior.

The same way that so many reasonable, empathetic liberals come from bigoted conservative families, probably. They found an ideological system that resonated with them and rejected their family’s input.

same way conservative parents can have liberal kids....

Always helpful reading:

Seriously. Do I need to post this every day?

Of course it puts Tiki in a bad light. Their torches are supposed to keep tiny little pricks away, and yet there they are...

Isn’t at-will employment great, alt-right guys?

“I’m good man who made a stupid comment.”
-Springfield Police officer Lariviere

The nazi apologists are out in full force today. I have seen countless comments today saying “both sides suck” “antifa is just as bad”.