
A male feminist walks into a bar

Mr. Bolling recalls no such inappropriate communications, does not believe he sent any such communications

I was really offended by a tip line on my receipt at a self serve fro-yo place recently. Like, I did all the work of prepping this perfect serving of overpriced fro-yo, why do I owe you a tip?

That’s terrible service, even waiters aren’t allowed to chide customers for not tipping. And tipping for a simple cup of coffee is definitely not mandatory.

I had a cashier at a coffee shop shame me for not tipping on an iced coffee. As in - she said (as she walked by me outside) that she took my photo because I didn’t tip.

I feel that people who don’t tip should absolutely be shamed, but it’s always a dicey proposition because you have no way of knowing what the service was/what the service was like. If they served her in a relatively reasonable amount of time and didn’t spill crap on her, she should’ve tipped. Lord knows she can afford

Isn’t it customary to tip bartenders in cash?

Not to mention it depends on what was taking place. I go to a take out place all the time and I never tip on the card, mainly because I’m not using table service. I’ll throw a couple dollars in the tip jar instead because all they did was bag/hand me the food and take my money, I did not sit down for service or get

I don’t tip either...on the credit card. I pay the tip in cash so the server has a choice on whether or not to report. :)

It’s possible she tipped in cash; I usually do. But I write “cash” where the tip goes and also write my total, because I’m not a lazy asshole.

Maybe she tipped in cash?

The conversation is not explicitly about defining something in the context of race...unless you’d prefer to use the term “race riot” because that’s so much better, right?


Reince should txt him to say, “Congratulations, I’ll pray for your child.”

Omg, guys. We are living in an episode of the Apprentice, aren’t we?

I have an insane amount of respect for Murkowski in this as other colleagues (Heller) folded with barely a fraction of the bullying she got from Trump. She got the personal Twitter call out and her whole state is getting punished. (In a normal world that would backfire but in this one?) And she also got a lot of sweet

If we don’t teach children to uphold the value of art, which is emotionally stimulating as well as thought-provoking, we are raising a nation of idiots.

I get the “stay on point” message, but I am capable of holding more than one or two things in my mind at a time. Just because 45 did this fuckup doesn’t mean I automatically forget about the other fuckups he did. Perpatuating this stance only reinforces the message that “yes, we really are as dumb as they think we

It’s so annoying when I’m just walking down the street and “become deceased.” It’s a real hassle.

I want to offer an alternative explanation, because, as left leaning as I am, this is a bit of a Hot Take™ and you aren’t giving your readers the full scoop here.