Docteur Lobo

Wifey and I felt the same way.  Wasn’t horrible, but wasn’t great either.  

I’m going to be in the minority here and say I didn’t really like the movie. Watched it with the wifey and as we were walking out, we looked at each other and went “meh.” After thinking about it, it just didn’t resonate

I won’t spoil it.

I haven’t seen the show and I just listened to the song minutes ago.

No, you’re not alone.  I liked show well enough, but Jaskier channeling Chandler from friends was easily the worst part of the show, and the song is nothing special.  

I have wrestled with this for months now. I have this feeling that genre fans lately have been feeling the need to like OVER enjoy things. Is the song cleverer, and catchier than it needs to be for the show, sure. Is it A) an actual whole song? no, it’s a musical prop B) is it worth all of this discussion, probably

I’m beginning to wonder if I’m the only person who loves this show but doesn’t see the hype for this song at all. It’s not an earworm for me whatsoever, and most of the lyrics don’t exactly push the boat out, for instance:

Iliza Shlesinger- Talk about someone who deserves more and better roles in features. (Would probably have made a great Cheetah in WW84)

I'm getting tired of the preachiness of these episodes. 

I think I’m one of the only people who feels kind of let down. I figured this is how it would end, and it makes sense for the way they were laying the groundwork, etc...and I understand all the people who say it was beautiful/perfect etc.

Am I alone in not wanting The Federation to be like this? Star Trek was always (to me at least) the good we hoped the future would be. It was meant to be the best of us and not a bunch of people who would turn away refugees. I suppose The Federation could elect a Trump regime, but that’s not what I want my Trek. 

Shazam was fine. It was fun. But it was dumb and very silly. But I don't think it's going to be remembered as a great movie. 

I’m all for female leads and edgy R-rated comic stuff but Suicide Squad was boring. The DC flicks as a group have rarely been fun. Wonder Woman was maybe the best of the bunch and it was still mostly just okay. The previews for this have not convinced me this movie is going to be worth the ticket price. So good luck,

Jodie Whitaker confirmed to Entertainment Weekly she plans to return for another season of Doctor Who next year, at the very least.

Water is wet. More at six.

As much fun as I have pointing out how Lovecraft was a racist at the time of his writings to lovecraft fans (and I say this as someone FASCINATED by his work) can we start calling out other really influential dead authors too? I never hear the outcry against Shakespeare despite some of his stories being unquestionably

Keep in mind, TNG was produced from 1987 to 1994. That was a much different television landscape than present day, including the fact that TNG was a syndicated series, not a network series. At that point, all that TNG had was the original series and four films. It also didn’t help that there was a writers strike that

The scene made absolutely no sense and had no bearing on anything (which makes sense since the rest of the Crisis was wrapped.)  But it was awesome!

I’m sorry, but I would’ve greatly preferred a Lynda Carter appearance over the Ezra Miller one. Out of all the legacy actors they got to make cameos in this thing, she’s the one that should’ve been there.

The big issue is the release date though, isn’t it? Even the most amazing director would want time to develop the film but if one film misses their deadline it impacts others, too. And now Disney+, as wasn’t Scarlet Witch supposed to be in this and Wandavision? Wasn’t that show pushed forward (perhaps as the plot