
I love that show so much. It is the first time I have enjoyed anything NBC did since The Office left the air (I was never a Parks person).

“Predictable” aka the Internet (yes capitalized referring to the hive mind) has spent almost as much hours if not more collectively deducing the series as the amount of man hours it took to create this show.

um, welcome to 2009.

“Fuck her. Fuck her coming and going....Fuck this woman.”

I am Beat PunchBeef and I work primarily as a spaceship pilot/space mutiny stopper.

His White Martian problem got Poochied!

But points for them keeping the characterization solid. That almost never happens even in the comics.

Not to mention Cadmus just took a major blow as Mommy Luthor was just arrested for terrorist activities. It felt like one of those “midseason” finales where they briefly wrap everything up.

Ford creates Bernard somewhere around 15 years ago based on how much they de-aged Ford. By that time Ford could have easily purged any original staff. We also know by the time of the William/Logan period (whenever you believe that takes place), they not only can’t find a picture of Arnold, but don’t know his name

Why go to work when you can get paid to sit home

These are a bunch of scared old white men who horde guns to protect themselves from blacks, Muslims and Mexicans. There won’t be a violent uprising because that means they’d have to go outside where there could be blacks, Muslims and Mexicans.

(well, what would a woman invent other than something designed to help her do a traditionally womanly activity?)

I would say it is quite feminist. Women in her time were expected by society to do the home chores. But that is stealing time from her for doing more important things, like self-education. So she invents a machine that frees her from the demands society had placed on her sex and instead began to defy gender roles by

It could be added that the film appears to be set in the 1700s, at which time doing laundry was (a) primarily a chore performed by women or girls in a household, and (b) time consuming since it was done entirely by hand. Inventing a device to make one of your major chores substantially easier is a rational decision.

Sylvester claims that RimWorld was never intended to simulate real life. It’s a science-fiction game. “My goal is to non-judgmentally simulate, in a simplified way, a flawed group of people in a brutal, backwards environment, tuned for maximum drama. In no way are the characters in RimWorld meant as role models to

I stand with brundlefly.

Me, and I’m not alone. It’s benefited from a critical reevaluation in the past few years. It’s a great piece of satire.