
I am actually gonna give it a week or two. Because the last two movies I saw within a day or two of release and people were WAY too intense in the theater. It was like a religious experience, and I understand that. But people were very bent out of shape if everything was not perfect for them.

This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.

and this is exactly right. But I imagine it is a really big IF. We do not yet know how common even basic life is across the galaxy. I am in the camp of Earth being “special” enough that life was able to get started and had sufficient time to reach sentience. Everything from our position in space, our axial tilt, even

He’s the boss’s go-to guy, which IS power. That makes this concerning to me. 22 is adult, but I feel like there’s still vulnerability there that Doc is ignoring. Better to tell the boss and risk being nosy than have it turn out some young new girl was being exploited and you did nothing to stop it.

I love post’s like yours... you’re living in a golden age of live action comics and movies... you’re getting a live action Ray for goodness sake...

I find it interesting that they introduced B-Wings before they featured any X-Wings. It makes sense, as the B-Wing would take years more development to finish, hence its later appearance in the Original Trilogy, but it was still an interesting choice to use something far less iconic and well-known.

Correct. My responsibility to my job is to give 100% effort and positive results during the time I’m working and being paid. When I’m off the clock, I’m not working or being paid, so I don’t really care what happens at all—until I’m on the clock again.

Hope Hicks was a nightmare to deal with. So you went around her, and she was furious. I am not your PR firm. And the national press was awful. I’m sorry, but they were. It’s hard to travel and get into where you are, but that’s part of your job. Ignore the literal barriers set up the campaign and get out there.

I hope American journalists show even half the bravery of the Syrian political cartoonist Ali Ferzat, whose response to having his hands broken by Assad thugs was “It only hurts when I laugh. But when I think that Assad is afraid of a pencil, I can’t help laughing!”

He can hold me accountable all he wants. I have over 200 years of history behind me. Come at me, you fucking tangerine.

You sound very rational and well-informed, and not at all like a delusional nutjob. Where do I sign up for your newsletter?

I would watch that show.

I don’t care what they name another Pacific Rim movie, I’m simply pleased as punch that we are indeed getting another Pacific Rim movie.

As always, a great review and run down.

Blame Hannibal. He landed on everyone’s radar after that because it was amazing how he could steal that role from Hopkins. (I still like Hopkins’ Hannibal but Mikkelsen has taken over the role in my mind.) After that, Hollywood was like, “Who is this guy?”

IMO, that was one of the best moments of the finale. It was reminiscent of the scene in Ex Machina, but humorously well done.

I loved that. You could see him doing the mental gymnastics of decided how he felt about being a host himself. Maeve instantly understands what’s going on and just rolls her eyes. XD

That was a great reaction upon learning that Benard was a host!

“White-tailed deer hate this snake. Find out why.”