
Please be friendly AND sexy aliens

regarding the polaroids, did you notice one of the Saviors in the background taking polaroids of Glenn when they were all getting ready to leave?

I grew up never even knowing the Inhumans existed until Marvel started pushing it for the movies. They just strike me as a bunch of circus freaks. Which ones are supposed to be cool and fun and not just weird looking monstrosities?

Oh, I’m with you. I meant decent from a popular image perspective. I don’t read Kamala, I don’t dislike her either, I just am not interested you know? It’s like Squirrel Girl — I get the appeal, I get why she’s written (Parody/Comedy for SG and fan service for KK), just neither interest me or spark or illicit

I think they finally reached a deal with Fox on the mutants being in the MCU.

Everyone seems to be blaming Rick for getting them where they are now...

I’m one of the few that can’t stand Kamala, but I can see why lots of folks like her so I don’t begrudge them that. Aside from the main “family” and Kamala, I think all the rest can just be shuffled off and killed in various events.

That made my day and caused me to laugh so hard my wife came over to see what was so funny. She didn’t get it, and I couldn’t explain it. But still, all the stars for you, George Glass!

I fucking hope to Christ they do

Are they... are they going to stop trying to make Inhumans a thing? Cause Inhumans will never be a thing.

They could have pulled this off so much better by killing Abraham last season, putting everyone off guard under the idea that “hey they killed a main character but not the one we expected.” Leaving you to wonder how the rest were getting out of this, and then OPENED with Glenn becoming roadkill.

Even if they do, it’s going to end up like the “Militia” frat boys in Oregon, getting completely boxed in by law enforcement, and trashing a few places before getting arrested, then crying about how they can’t keep their guns in prison.

I used to be pro airbnb, but now that my condo neighbor does it I fucking hate it with a passion.

yeah this is like if Bill Cosby had a sitcom about drugging and raping women, then women came forward and said he drugged and raped them.

Betteridge’s law of headlines is one name for an adage that states: “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.”

The video is a skit, it’s confirmed.

When did Mr. Plinket (I think thats the name?) do his Star Wars Episode 1 review? He did the same sort of “joke” and I think I remember a scared girl tied up in his video. Could be this guy was trying that same type of “humor”

Self-checkout is awesome in some circumstances, terrible in others. If you need to buy alcohol and show your ID, or if you know you bought some rando weird shit that won’t scan right, go to the cashier. Also if self-checkout has any line at all, go wait in a normal line instead, because people are slow and stupid.