
“Time to sell some pro-PAIN.”

Before I read the synopsis for his character, I began thinking how cool it would be that as the Professor becomes more moribund, his ethos concerning his powers start to wane and he’s begun mind-controlling people to act as extensions of his own failing body.

Trump: “Ore... Ida?”
Aide: No, sir. It’s “Ne-VA-da”.

I love when shows undo character development over seasons for sake of drama. But at least the training new team seems like it could be interesting so the show has that going for it.

From the little behind-the-scenes info we have, the shelving of Inhumans has nothing to do with getting Spidey or the popularity of Fox’s X-Men, but all to do with internal power struggles. Word is that Feige was never on board with Inhumans - that was a Perlmutter demand, and tge only reason Feige agreed to it is so.

Any recommendations on a diaper bag that still makes me look like I can perform a root canal on a grizzly bear while still carrying my newborn?

Luthor’s format would be great for Defenders. Have 2-episode stories of each character, then conclude with a final 2-episode story that involves them all.

In the Star Wars Rebels clip, I know they threw out a lot of canon, but I was pretty sure that A-wing Starfighters were some of the fastest ships of the Rebel Alliance and definitely faster than Tie Interceptors.

I was more suggesting that we could get three series’ next year. It’s possible that The Punisher might not even be the full 13-episodes so it would be “easier” to squeeze in.

I don’t know, but it’s annoying. Like even Daredevil never shaved. If I knew Murdock and saw Daredevil I’d be like “that’s you Matt. I can tell BECAUSE YOU NEVER SHAVE..”

I’m not saying I’d vote for the guy but let be realistic: Warren Buffet was paying the same amount of taxes as his secretary.

“villain’”that is “a non-superpowered character who butts head with Peter in his everyday life.”

Recently I’ve been binging Luther and there was an episode where a creepy AF dude comes out from under some woman’s bed and obviously I caught it at around midnight so CLEARLY I HAVENT SLEPT SINCE I SAW THAT. Really, I live with 2 dogs who would equally lose their minds if someone showed up out of no where BUT. My

I was thinking the same thing. I’m not that creative, so I wondered how they’d even go beyond one season, haha. But the first episode was great!

Every time you write an article, the first thing that I think of is Dr. Valentin Narcisse from Boardwalk Empire. Narcisse is a really beautiful last name, and I haven’t heard it before. Also, Luke Cage is the shit and I love this show, I’m about 3/4ths done.

Knowing ZERO about it maybe the lines of reality will start to blur and you won’t know what’s real and what isn’t.

Imagine how their mom feels? She knows a lot less about what is going on that Quentin. Her life seems to mostly be traveling between Central and Star Cities to find out which one of her daughters is dead, which one is resurrected and which one is fighting crime this year

He is still alive, somehow. And increasingly pissed off that the rules for ressurecting his daughters aren’t consistent.

Militarized dinosaurs?