
i always voted that the car kills it’s occupants over the crosswalk people. that’s what they get for riding in an autonomous car.

Your family sounds adorable!

SHIELD isn’t even the best thing in the sentence you wrote.

Everyone knows that Mars is the one who attacks.

This. I love Agent Carter. I loved season 1. I liked aspects of season 2, but it was overall a tone deaf missed opportunity that felt largely like a reactionary “NO HOMO” from the network. The exclusion of Angie, the love triangle, taking a genuinely interesting villain like Whitney Frost and reducing her to a

Yep, right there with you. My wife, who is going as Agent Carter this Halloween, stopped watching it midway through. If your target audience that LOVED season 1 is bailing, you’ve fucked up. I toughed it out... but man, if season 2 was actually GOOD the show might have had a chance. Had quite a few people ask me if it

Unpopular opinion: Season 2 was terrible, and the show absolutely should’ve been cancelled. Hayley Atwell is fantastic and should get a lot more work, but the show was clearly wasting her talents.

“I did not know that story!” (said in the tone of an adult congratulating a child on their first day of Kindegarten.) Amazing!

Yeah but why keep bringing up the emails. She can only address it like 1,000 times and to her credit, she said in this debate - “Yep, I was wrong...I would’ve handled it differently, etc.”. So what - wait 5 minutes and ask about it again? Not sure what that does - she’s just going to give the same answer.

Even more damning to me is how easily Donald took bait from Hillary. It’s a debate, the other candidate is going to try and trip you up. Not preparing for the subject matter is hubris, not being prepared for basic debate tactics is incompetence.

This is maybe evidence that having 17 guys on a stage shouting zingers is not a good model for selecting a candidate who will need to debate one on one in October.

It’s literally in the CDC recommended vaccine schedule for children. That may be a newer thing, but it is in there. It’s listed right after the Hep-B vaccine.

An Arnold Palmer does not contain alcohol

Cool story.

If only there were some sort of global, ubiquitous network of data that included hundreds of thousands of hours of free porn, so poor guys like that wouldn’t have to shell out that kind of cash.

If only.

Welcome to Counter-Point, the practice that opened up across the street from Dr. Nerdlove, to offer a fake-medically important second opinion to your dating diagnosis:

OK, Dutch Treat (I’m just gonna pretend like you’re in Amsterdam):

I believe it’s Laura Richards who says “stalking is murder in slow motion.” We have to start treating stalking, dv, and sexual violence as huge red flags for murderers :(

How can the hacker possibly be harassing her friends via AIM when she must be the only person on the planet that still has AIM?

yahoo is the site I used to use when I wanted to sign up for something that I didn’t want to give my actual email to. on behalf of the 10 million people who each did this 20 times, I am mildly concerned.

It is a way to give “cosplaying” children Maui’s tattoos without printing those water-based things on your children from neck to waist and all down the arms. If it were too light-colored (to match other skin-tones) you’d be offended. If it was just the leaf-toga then little boys’ wouldn’t’ve wanted it because the