
Zipper merging doesn't work when jackasses don't let you in.

There have been about 171,434,736 movie screenings* in America since Aurora, and two shootings in movie theaters.

Is the company responsible for what happened? Hell no. Are they responsible for how they reacted to lawsuits from shell shocked and grieving families? You bet.

God I hate that art. It’s just...yeesh. I wish her comics were more in the style of the picture in your following comment. Then I’d read. That art is like the visual equivalent of James Blunt’s singing voice.

God, she’s such a dumb character. She’s like the scribbles in a middle schooler’s notebook when they got upset with one of their Avenger’s comics. I don’t get the popularity.

MAC addresses. And some way to verify the email address is in active use (how long ago it was opened, or something such).

Agreed. My proposal is by no means fool-proof. But now that Twitter has opened up verification for application, rather than awarding it at their discretion, they are asking people through the verification application form to give some proof of who they are and cross-reference other social media accounts. It’s a start,

I’m still trying to figure out why all these pretty girls who like my tweets aren’t ever ready to chat when I go to the links in their profiles.

My thought has always been some combination of a much tougher terms of service for Twitter along with effectively mandatory verification and/or a real names policy. Give a blue checkmark to everyone who can take reasonable steps to prove their identity with Twitter, and agrees to a strict terms of service.

Its basic gaussian distribuation, if we have a large enough population size, statistical outliers (ie assholes) will always manifest no matter how much you filter it. (unless you filter it down to a small enough population size but that defeats the purpose of twitter)

My state has an oft-forgotten exclave, but it’s related to unpredictable geography. Population...18.

I kinda stopped reading when I found out he just recently put the proposal in there. Ruined it for me because as I started reading it I had thoughts that maybe he put the note in there 5 years ago figuring if they were still together after 5 years it’d be time to pop the question. That would have been fucking awesome

I will always have a soft spot for Drew because way back in the ‘80s, he was a reliable source of sex- and drug-related information for teenagers. Back in the dark ages, if your parents didn’t want to talk about sex, your easily-accessible sources were pretty much your friends (...yeah) and Very Special Episodes of

High five, Doc! I’m 43 with 4 year old twins! By the way, I REALLY HIGHLY recommend balance bikes, if you haven’t tried them yet. Not to proselytize (ok, maybe a little) but they are nothing short of magic.

I really wish he’d use his last 2 months in office to convert to Islam on live television. Then adopt a puppy, name it Shariah, and push for a law against animal cruelty via puppy kicking while calling it The Shariah law. Just to say people against it support kicking puppies.

Not so different from the power grabbing, mastermind Obama that is single-handedly dismantling the USA, while at the same time he’s goofing off playing golf and is so dumb that he can’t speak without a telepromter.

If you have to rely on what you wear to get laid, you’re doing something wrong.

I will take your insult and place it in one of my many functional pockets.

Wear cargo shorts and a t shirt. Not really hard.

How to pull off cargo shorts:
1. Divest yourself of all f**ks.
2. Wear cargo shorts.
I am 43 years old and currently wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt. Yesterday, I wore cargo shorts and a T-shirt. Tomorrow, I will probably wear cargo shorts and a T-shirt. When it gets colder, I will probably put a sweatshirt on over