
Realtalk but imagine being the guy who’s dying wish was seeing Batman Vs Superman. I’d of flat lined halfway through the movie.

I think that would have been the end of it if it hadn’t been for Lochte lying to his mom and his mom going to the media. I guess the moral of the story is don’t lie to your mother.

Update (9:53 a.m.): Diniz has just collapsed on the course.

You are obviously smarter than Ryan Lochte, though.

Actually, going through the replies, no one seems angry at all, though people are explain why intent doesn’t matter. But sure, double down on the the stupidity. It is the way of the internet.

Looks to me like you’re the butthurt one.

Your definition of “butthurt” differs greatly from mine. You said an incorrect thing and got corrected. There was a little smarm from some commenters, but butthurt? Nuh uh. You’re the one that looks a little butthurt now.

The headline is a bit misleading. You should definitely experience living on your own in between living with roommates and living with a significant other.

Exactly, we’re probably the same age. I’m a mostly casual game player with most of my time spent on Civilization 5 and Sid Meier’s Pirates (both way old). I don’t care about 4x anti-aliasing settings or shadow quality.

As a black woman I have to get this off my chest. If I see one more black man say this shit was brought up because of Birth of a Nation I am going to scream! I have known about this for at least 3 or 4 years you didn’t want to know don’t start with the conspiracy theories.

How about the part when one moment the Tyrannosaurus steps out of the woods through the fence and onto the car track, and the next moment the fence is right next to a huge drop?

I cannot believe how many people are taking your comments as a serious suggestion. I laughed.

Even for a layperson your inability to communicate well would be shocking, but if this was your resume for being a linguist I sure wouldn’t hire you.

Or, you have the F4 go in, and Doom stays behind. Angry that he’s not being appreciated enough and with alcohol clouding his judgement, he deliberately sabotages the experiment, causing the F4 to get thei powers and scarring Doom’s face.

It would have made way more sense if Sue, Reed, and (if they have to) Doom going along. Ben and Johnny are the non-scientist, the should have been in charge of trying to pull them back while the teleportation system is malfunctioning, only for their lack of knowledge to make things worse and cause some energy wave

It’s Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI).

Being a human Twitter egg is a lonely existence, isn’t it?

Well you certainly inferred quite a bit about my relationship, my workout routine, my sex life, my wife’s commitment to me, and my masturbatory habits based solely on my wife worrying about more important things than my casual summer attire. If only you could calibrate this skill to be both accurate and useful, you

What about those of us that aren’t LGBTQ or Euro?

Cargo Shorts or GTFO. I'm too old to worry about impressing anyone.