
I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.

It’s funny, I was ranting a few months ago about how Marvel was talking a big talk but not putting out the books that new fans wanted to read. I used the Squadron Supreme books as an example- who the hell wants to read about Marvel’s D-List Justice League? People want to read about America Chavez.

Something, something, tentacle monsters...

That works.

No, I agree with you on that, and honestly I have ZERO interest in seeing them as teenagers. I’m just saying that at this point, I don’t see how they can make that happen in the MCU as it has become now. They could try to introduce them on slide, like bringing Reed in on Iron Man 4 and making him a scientist that Tony

Despite my fears for the wider DC movie universe, I’m still looking forward to Suicide Squad. I’m nervous, but hopeful that it could be the first DCEU movie that is well received.

I own a TV because it’s the best way to watch TV shows and movies. I can even sit and watch with other people if I want, and nobody has to crane their neck or tilt the screen just so. Your laptops and tablets are a shit way to watch content and you know it, ya pricks.

I remember seeing it in the theater, in Virginia Beach, and everyone cracking up at that.

Even dumber, the fake sign they made says “Virginia Beaches” instead of “Virginia Beach.”

I have a burn-e. He mostly complains about wealth going to the one percent, and advocates free college tuition.

But how fast does a raven fly?

IIRC, on an episode of Hanibal, they had West Virginia on an ocean.

Not canon (I believe officially stated as such) but as you said, it’s never stated that Mutavore is undetected. They officially say it took him an hour to break into the wall too.

And they actually filmed the traffic jam in Virginia, but still a flat part. (Not yet opened VA234 Manassas bypass)

Sydney apparently hung North Sydney out to dry. Local politics are hell.

Well I think the movie kinda highlights that the wall was fucking stupid too lol

I don’t really get the issue with the Pacific Rim thing...? The wall goes around the city, so I’d imagine it circles the city (and extends out to block the side of the city near the ocean). So is the issue that... the monster swam down the river / water channel and into the wall area? I mean it lines up in terms of

Seriously. Terrible sword fighting on screen also. Apocolypse was just.... fucking terrible.

Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga...