
Our 3 yr olds are 8 - 5:30. If we’re lucky, we get to sleep in til 6am.

I often hear/see friends whose kids are in bed so early, my 2.5 YO is up until 830-930 and sleeps until 9ish. Why in bed so early? i personally dont want to get up that early on days i dont need too (with work sometimes i must anyway)

Can Marvel stop trying to make the Inhumans happen? They’re not going to happen.

When Ramsey conveniently changed his mind about a one on one battle, with about a hundred enemies with arrows trained on him, I was hoping Jon would let go of a little honor and just say “loose”. Still satisfying, though.

Can GoT please stop killing all the interesting and abnormal characters please? I mean theres only gonna be normal humans left at the end of all of this smh.

star for Vermithrax reference

I wish Ghost got a taste too.

There are two fanfics that have involved what I feel are equally satisfying ends. The fact that the show has joined them as a third is great. I call this third one “the karmic one.”

And of course it had to be Ramsay to kill Wun Wun. Just one last reminder of how horrible he is before his death. A lot like Joffrey having one last horrible moment (Tyrion with the wine) before his demise.

I’m calling it now. Sansa is pregnant with Ramsay Bolton’s child. Most likely a boy. Just look at the scene where Sansa confronts Little Finger, and tells him she still feels the pain of her encounters with Ramsay. Then their is the final scene where Ramsey says, I’ll always be a part of you.

Now playing

There’s a tracking shot of Jon near the beginning of the battle that makes the hallway scene from Daredevil look like garbage

I’m still pretty upset that HBO can afford this show, but we’re still in limbo with Deadwood. #NeverForget

It makes perfect sense. The allies regularly unified their research fields and allocated the resources where it made the most sense. If they thought they had a superweapon they’d want it as far away from the Nazis as possible but still where adequate research resources, and the facilities to both protect it from both

The last name is definitely one from the Amish community.

You only need to do that if you’re eating that floppy crap they make in New York.

You and I define “Fine” very, very differently.

Dude I also have a 99 Saturn and that thing is a tank. Burns oil like a motherfucker, though. Jiffy Lube at least gives me free top-ups.

Your gonna go through all these headaches fixing everything and then the next guy who buys it will say it was the best $1,300 Car he ever had and how Honda’s are so damn reliable he never had to replace a thing haha

I had a ‘94 Saturn SL that wouldn’t die no matter how bad I neglected it. 36 mpg without even trying.....